
42 editsJoined 28 January 2024
Pancakes This user spends most of their time in desktop mode.

It's been years since I last used MediaWiki in anger, so please excuse the fact that the userbox above hasn't been floated to the right yet. I've mostly added said userbox to make the orphaned pages list a bit shorter.

Some facts about me:

  • Mostly hangs around Creator Jam, the morning radio exercise sessions (ラジオ体操), the Sync Lounge, and various JP sessions
  • Knows how to throw English into a dictionary and turn it into Japanese
  • Does not have Discord
  • Has a Japanese keyboard (I do not recommend getting one of these, especially if you live outside of Japan)
  • Composes music, and plays various musical instruments
    • For a typical example of one of my compositions, I did the background music for MMC23 Analyzer using SunVox.
    • Most people would think that the only instrument I play is the kazoo. But I can to some extent play drums, guitar, bass, piano, and ukulele.
  • Likes coding for a lot of older systems (almost always using emulators)

And some achievements:

  • Implemented the following using nothing but components:
    • An alarm clock, using string comparisons and two ButtonValueCycle(?) components, one with 60 values to cycle through
    • A torch, using a context menu item
    • An SR latch
  • Wrote a linked list implementation in 8086 assembly, then the next day used that code as a reference implementation for an implementation in proto-ProtoFlux