World Path

From Resonite Wiki

World Paths is a feature of Resonite that allows for an alternative way to load a world within Headless Configuration Files, Startup Config Files, ProtoFlux etc.

Using a world path, results in a cleaner and easier to remember URL for your worlds.

World Path Structure

World paths operate completely separately from your inventory. Folders in world paths will not show up in your inventory.

A world path is comprised of 4 Parts:

  1. The Platform prefix: "resrec:///"
  2. The Group or User ID where the world is saved. E.g. U-Cheese or G-Cheese.
  3. The "Folder" for the world path
  4. The Name of the World.

Putting it all together an example world path might be: resrec:///G-Cheese/Worlds/Cool Cheese World

Setting up a World Path

To set up a world path, you just need a World Orb for the world you want to set one up on. Once you have that just follow these steps:

  1. Click the World Orb
  2. Select "Edit Metadata"
  3. The following form will show:

For World Paths, there are two important things in this window: - The World Name - The value in the world path input box.

The rest can be ignored for the purposes of world paths.

If you want your world to be within "Worlds\Test", simply enter Worlds\Test in the world path input box. Once that's done take a note of the world name and then press save.

You must use backslashes only in this block. Do not use forward slashes.

Now wait for everything to Sync by checking your dash. Once that's done you should be good to go! To construct your world path URI you combine the World Path and World Name using the following format:

resrec:\\<your group or user id>\<The World Path>\<The World Name>.


User/Group ID World Path World Name Full World Path URI
U-Frooxius Worlds\Fruit Mango resrec:///U-Frooxius/Worlds/Fruit/Mango
G-Cheese Worlds\Cheese Gouda resrec:///G-Cheese/Worlds/Cheese/Gouda

Using a World Path

Once you have a world path you can use it in a number of places: