|_shader|{{RootFieldType|AssetRef`1|[[Type:Shader|Shader]]}}|TypeAdv1=true| The [[Shader]] to use.
|_shader|{{RootFieldType|AssetRef`1|[[Type:Shader|Shader]]}}|TypeAdv1=true| The [[Shader]] to use. Internal.
|BaseColor|ColorX| The base color of the sky.
|BaseColor|ColorX| The base color of the sky.
|_gradients|{{RootFieldType|SyncList`1|[[#Gradient|Gradient]]}}|TypeAdv3=true| Applies a [[#Gradient|Gradient]] to the sky.
|_gradients|{{RootFieldType|SyncList`1|[[#Gradient|Gradient]]}}|TypeAdv3=true| Applies a list of [[#Gradient|Gradients]] to the sky.
== Usage ==
== Usage ==
Attach to a slot and insert into a [[Component:Skybox]] component and use the SetCurrentSky() Sync Method to use this component. Don't forget to add some <code>_gradients</code> to the list.
== Gradient ==
== Gradient ==
'''Gradient''' is a nested type used in the <code>_gradients</code> list.
'''Gradient''' is a nested type used in the <code>_gradients</code> list.
=== Fields ===
{{Table TypeFields
{{Table TypeFields
|Direction|Float3| The direction this gradient should point in.
|FromColor|ColorX| The color to start at for this gradient.
|ToColor|ColorX| The color to end at for this gradient.
|Spread|Float| How much to extend the gradient from it's <code>From</code> and <code>To</code> limits beyond the transitioning section.
|From|Float| Where this gradient should start from in a range from 0<->1
|To|Float| Where this gradient should end at in a range from 0<->1
|Exp|Float| The sharpness of the transition of the gradient
If true, integrating this asset (e.g. processing procedural assets) gets higher priority than assets with this flag off. An example is user laser procedural meshes.
Attach to a slot and insert into a Component:Skybox component and use the SetCurrentSky() Sync Method to use this component. Don't forget to add some _gradients to the list.
Gradient is a nested type used in the _gradients list.