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m behaviour > behavior
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== Behaviour == <!--T:4-->
== Behavior == <!--T:4-->


Revision as of 06:25, 12 January 2024

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Component image 
PBS_Metallic component as seen in the Scene Inspector

PBS Metallic is a physically-based material that uses a special Metallic-Roughness (MR) map to store data about the metallicity and roughness of an object. It is based on the Unity 5 Standard PBR Setup.

For information about the maps and their properties read on!


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
HighPriorityIntegration Bool
_shader Shader
TextureScale Float2
TextureOffset Float2
DetailTextureScale Float2
DetailTextureOffset Float2
AlbedoColor Color
AlbedoTexture ITexture2D
EmissiveColor Color
EmissiveMap ITexture2D
NormalScale Float
NormalMap ITexture2D
HeightMap ITexture2D
HeightScale Float
OcclusionMap ITexture2D
DetailAlbedoTexture ITexture2D
DetailNormalMap ITexture2D
DetailNormalScale Float
BlendMode BlendMode
AlphaCutoff Float
OffsetFactor Float
OffsetUnits Float
RenderQueue Int
Metallic Float
Smoothness Float
MetallicMap ITexture2D


Metallic Maps

This Material type uses a Metallic Map for determining:

  • Metallic Levels
  • Smoothness

This information is packed into different channels within the Metallic Map using the following pattern:

  • R(Red Channel): Metallic
    • The Red Channel determines how metallic a material is.
    • Metals are usually 1 in this channel and non-metals are 0
    • When choosing Metallic values, do remember that items in the real world aren't perfect. Imperfections and randomness is good! Avoid choosing values that are 0(Non-Metallic) or 1(Maximum Metallic)
  • Alpha: Smoothness
    • High Alpha means High Smoothness
    • Low Alpha is Low Smoothness

Resonite uses the Unity Standard Shader Maps for this Material, for more information please see this guide for more information.

Other Maps


Unity declares Green : Occlusion and Height as interchangeable and usable for both slots

R: Metalness

G: Occlusion/Height

A: Smoothness


Further Reading

You may be interested in the following other pages:

  • PBS Specular - Documentation on Resonite's PBS Specular Material. This is often paired or compared to PBS Metallic.