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Created page with "Comme utilisateur standard, vous pouvez aussi:"
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Si un autre utilisateur vous rend inconfortable ou fait quelque chose que vous pensez viole les [[Guidelines | lignes directrices]], commencez par parler a l'utilisateur. Informez le que ce qu'il fait est possiblement contre les règles. Gardez a l'esprit que le sens commun n'est pas commun et que certaines personnes ne vont pas réaliser que leur comportement cause de l'inconfort.
Si un autre utilisateur vous rend inconfortable ou fait quelque chose que vous pensez viole les [[Guidelines | lignes directrices]], commencez par parler a l'utilisateur. Informez le que ce qu'il fait est possiblement contre les règles. Gardez a l'esprit que le sens commun n'est pas commun et que certaines personnes ne vont pas réaliser que leur comportement cause de l'inconfort.

<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">If you are unable to resolve the situation, next speak to the session owner (Host of the session) and let them know what's going on. By default, the host has a yellow star badge on their name plate, though some users choose to hide or otherwise modify their visible badges. The yellow star badge will always be visible next to the host's name in the Users tab of the Session section of the Dash menu. The host has many capabilities for managing their session. See [[#Session Owner Moderation]].</span>
Si vous ne pouvez pas résoudre la situation par vous-même, tentez de contacter l'hébergeur de la session et dites-leur ce qu'il se passe. Vous pouvez trouver l'hébergeur de la session avec le badge d'étoile jaune au dessus de leur tête. L'hébergeur de la session a quelques [[#Session Owner Moderation | options de modération]].

<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Be aware that it is possible that the session host may not agree with you that there is a problem, so they may choose not to act. In this case, you are still always free to leave a world session. If you still feel a user is breaching the [[Guidelines]], or you believe the problem is escalating to the wider community, you should contact the Resonite Moderator Team with your issue. Note that the Guidelines make certain exceptions for private sessions in case the organizer, all participants and their legal guardians are fully informed and agree on less strict rules.</span>
Il est possible que l'hébergeur de la session n'accepte pas que le comportement en question soit un problème. Dans ce cas, vous êtes toujours libres de quitter la session. Si vous pensez qu'un utilisateur violes les [[Guidelines | lignes directrices]], contactez la modération de Resonite avec les informations appropriées. Les lignes directrices contiennent quelques exceptions au regard des sessions privées qui ont des règles moins strictes.

<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">As a regular user you can also:</span>
Comme utilisateur standard, vous pouvez aussi:
* <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''Mute Users''': This prevents '''just you''' from hearing any voice audio from the muted user. This option can be accessed on the Users tab of the Session section of the Dash menu.</span>
* '''Rendre un joueur muet''': cela va rendre l'utilisateur muet '''pour vous'''. Cette option est disponible dans l'onglet "session" du tableau de bord.
* <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''Block Avatars''': This prevents you from seeing the avatar a specific user has equipped, replaced with simple spheres to indicate where they are. This option can be accessed from the contacts page of the user whose avatar you want to block.</span>
* '''Bloquer un avatar''': Cela va vous éviter de voir un avatar. Cette option peut être accédée depuis le menu contacts de votre tableau de bord
* <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''Mutual Block''': This will prevent you from seeing or hearing a specified user, and in turn they will not be able to see or hear you as well. This option can be accessed from the contacts page of the user you are blocking.  Be aware that mutual blocking a user will also ban them from your hosted sessions; they will be immediately kicked if they are in a session you are hosting.</span>
* <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''Mutual Block''': This will prevent you from seeing or hearing a specified user, and in turn they will not be able to see or hear you as well. This option can be accessed from the contacts page of the user you are blocking.  Be aware that mutual blocking a user will also ban them from your hosted sessions; they will be immediately kicked if they are in a session you are hosting.</span>

Revision as of 09:35, 20 January 2024

Il est important que chaque utilisateur aie du bon temps sur Resonite. Chaque utilisateur doit être familier et respecter les lignes directrices de la plateforme.

Cette page donne des informations sur comment résoudre des problèmes que vous pouvez avoir avec d'autres joueurs. La plupart du temps, ces situations peuvent être résoudre calmement et poliment en parlant avec l'utilisateur concerné. Malheureusement, il des des fois nécessaire d'escalader le problème a l'équipe de modération sur le site de la modération de Resonite.

Invités / Modération utilisateur

Si un autre utilisateur vous rend inconfortable ou fait quelque chose que vous pensez viole les lignes directrices, commencez par parler a l'utilisateur. Informez le que ce qu'il fait est possiblement contre les règles. Gardez a l'esprit que le sens commun n'est pas commun et que certaines personnes ne vont pas réaliser que leur comportement cause de l'inconfort.

Si vous ne pouvez pas résoudre la situation par vous-même, tentez de contacter l'hébergeur de la session et dites-leur ce qu'il se passe. Vous pouvez trouver l'hébergeur de la session avec le badge d'étoile jaune au dessus de leur tête. L'hébergeur de la session a quelques options de modération.

Il est possible que l'hébergeur de la session n'accepte pas que le comportement en question soit un problème. Dans ce cas, vous êtes toujours libres de quitter la session. Si vous pensez qu'un utilisateur violes les lignes directrices, contactez la modération de Resonite avec les informations appropriées. Les lignes directrices contiennent quelques exceptions au regard des sessions privées qui ont des règles moins strictes.

Comme utilisateur standard, vous pouvez aussi:

  • Rendre un joueur muet: cela va rendre l'utilisateur muet pour vous. Cette option est disponible dans l'onglet "session" du tableau de bord.
  • Bloquer un avatar: Cela va vous éviter de voir un avatar. Cette option peut être accédée depuis le menu contacts de votre tableau de bord
  • Mutual Block: This will prevent you from seeing or hearing a specified user, and in turn they will not be able to see or hear you as well. This option can be accessed from the contacts page of the user you are blocking. Be aware that mutual blocking a user will also ban them from your hosted sessions; they will be immediately kicked if they are in a session you are hosting.

Session Owner Moderation

As above, the first course of action should be to practice self moderation and resolutions. Start by talking to the user and informing them that they are doing something that you as the session owner won't allow or that breaks the Guidelines. If they continue, warn them that they may face action if they continue.

When you need to take action as a session owner you can:

  • Kick a User: this immediately removes them from the current world session, however the kicked user will be able to re-join the session if the session settings allow it. This option can be accessed on the Users tab of the Session section of the Dash menu.
  • Ban a User: this immediately removes them from the current world session and they will be unable to re-join the session unless you manually revoke the ban. This option can be accessed on the Users tab of the Session section of the Dash menu.
  • Ban a User from all of your sessions: this immediately removes them from the current world session and they will be unable to re-join the session, or join any session you host, unless you manually revoke the ban. This option can be accessed by navigating to the Contacts page on Dash menu and searching for that user's name. There will be an button to perform this action there. Bans can be revoked in the appropriate tab of the Debug menu (by default accessible with a button on the lower right side of the Dash Home page).
  • Silence a User for all users: this prevents anyone from hearing any voice audio from the muted user in the current session. This option can be accessed on the Users tab of the Session section of the Dash menu.

When more support is needed or the problem is escalating to the wider community, you should make a Moderation Ticket.

Moderation Tickets

Moderation tickets are made on the Moderation Ticket Portal.

When to make a ticket?

You should make a moderation ticket when:

  • You need more support than the Guest / Regular User Moderator options can help with.
  • You need more support than the Session Owner / Moderator options can help with.
  • You have witnessed a user breaching the Guidelines.
  • You have heard users talking about or discussing breaching the Guidelines.
  • You are concerned about the behavior of a user.
  • You have discovered a security exploit.
  • You have a moderation question or concern.

You should NOT make a ticket when:

  • You want to delete your account as you can do this yourself.
  • You want to configure Patreon rewards. You can read our Patreon page for guidance on these matters.

If in doubt, you can always just make a ticket, you will not be penalized for making invalid tickets and we don't treat users negatively if they make tickets.

Ticket Types

There are two ticket types:

  • Regular - These tickets require your email or Resonite/Discord username, we're able to respond to you and ask further questions
  • Anonymous - These tickets do not require any additional information, but we are not able to to respond to the ticket as it is anonymous.

Within both types there are a variety of Topics:

  • Report Player - Broken Guideline - Used to report a user who has broken the Guidelines.
  • Ban Appeal - To appeal a Ban carried out by Moderation. This should not be used if you have been banned by an individual user.
  • Report a Security issues - To report a security issue, please follow our security reporting guidelines.
  • Staff/Mentor/Moderator Complaint - This special type of ticket is only readable by Moderation Leads.
  • Phishing / Scam - To report a Scam or Phishing attempt. These usually happen on Discord.
  • DMCA Takedown Notice - To request a DMCA Takedown of content which you own the rights to.
  • General Inquiry - For everything else.

How the ticket system works

The ticket system can be accessed by any Moderator. Each ticket can be assigned to a particular Moderator but can still be seen by all, so any Moderator can chime in and see what’s going on.

This is important because the team have been building a diverse moderation team with different backgrounds and experiences. Different Moderators can provide unique insights based on the issue at hand. Typically most issues undergo an internal discussion and are decided on as a group, to prevent biases from a single individual.

Our moderation Discord is also heavily tied into the ticket system, with a live feed of tickets as well as a unique channel for each issue which allows the Moderation Team to discuss the ticket internally before making a formal response. These channels can also be seen by every Moderator who opted in for access.

Each ticket is also archived for future reference after it is closed.

Responses to tickets are not automatic responses. All messages are sent by the assigned Moderator processing the ticket.

Crafting a detailed response takes time, particularly with issues that require more detailed analysis (e.g. exploit reports or issues that require gathering evidence); The moderation team does send a canned response within a day to make sure that the reporter knows that the issue has been received and is now part of the system.

Moderator Team

Moderation Leads

The Moderation leads are:

  • Veer
  • Canadian Git
  • Dante


NA East NA Central / West Europe Asia-Pacific
Nothing to see here yet!

Moderators are still Volunteers, you're welcome to contact them for all sorts of issues (if they are willing) but it is recommended to make a Moderation Ticket.

Moderator Badge

Moderators can be spotted in-game by a badge in their nametag that looks like this:

Blue shield

Some users may try to impersonate mods. To confirm if someone is a moderator you can look at the badges within the Session tab as these cannot be artificially altered. If you spot an user impersonating a mod then this is against the Guidelines and you should report them in a Moderation Ticket.

Moderator Capabilities

In response to moderation issues the Moderation Team may carry out actions against a user or situation. Depending on the severity of the situation Moderators can immediately issue the following 4 account restrictions.

Do to recent upgrades, these bans also take immediate effect when handed out

  • Mute Ban: Silences a user by default when they enter a world. This can be overridden by other users who have the ability to silence others within a world.
  • Listing Ban : Used in situations where a user may have an offensive username and needs to be hidden from the general public.
  • Spectator Ban: Sets a user to Spectator when entering another user's world and does not allow the user to wear their favorited avatar unless manually equipped.
  • Public Ban: Removes a users ability to join public or contacts(+) sessions. The following are applied in varying levels depending on severity of the infraction.
    • Soft - Can invite and be invited to sessions.
    • Standard - Cannot be invited, but can invite to sessions
    • Hard - Cannot be invited or invite to sessions

Certain Resonite Team members have the ability to account ban a user. This would prevent them from accessing their account. This is usually only reserved for spam and scam bots, or users utilizing Resonite for illegal activities.

Moderators are able to independently mute/spectator/public ban users, however they cannot apply both a Mute Ban and a Spectator Ban to a user at the same time. All bans are reviewed by moderation leadership for fairness and leniency. The team aims to make first infraction bans short, with increasing ban level and duration following further infractions.

Appealing a Moderation Decision

If you believe you have been banned unfairly and wish to make an appeal, please make an appeal with a Moderation Ticket. After your ticket is made, the moderation team will investigate and discuss any possible foul play or misunderstandings that may have occurred. This is to make the process more fair for the user and team.

In the case of a dispute over asset ownership, certain Resonite Team members can look up the owner of an asset or item within an inventory.

We are readily improving the system for everyone's needs, and if you feel the system doesn't answer or address your concerns, please let us know.