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== Aperçu ==
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'''Dynamic variables''', commonly shorted to '''dyn vars''' or '''dynvars''', is a system of data storage wherein one can store arbitrary, scoped data under slot hierarchies with arbitrary names, akin to that of an [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Associative_array associative array]. Their usage is usually found in large systems with many moving parts, but can nonetheless be useful as easy "global" values that can be changed on an object.

Les '''variables dynamiques''' vous permettent de lire et écrire des information depuis un simple nom. Elles rendent simple la gestion de données dans des systèmes larges; chaque bout de données est étiquetée correctement que vous pouvez décomposer en plusieurs '''espaces'''.
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For a quick-start guide on using dynamic variables, the [[How To Use Dynamic Variables]] page serves to be a how-to.

== Restrictions de noms ==
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En utilisant les variables dynamiques, il y a quelques restrictions sur le nommage sur les variables et espaces.
== Overview ==
Dynamic variables are managed with two parts: ''dynamic variable spaces'' and ''dynamic variables''. Dynamic variables live under a dynamic variable space, and can be created, modified, and destroyed dynamically.

Les noms de variables et espaces '''ne peuvent pas contenir''':
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* Des symboles
=== Variable Spaces ===
** Comme défini en C# avec [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.char.issymbol?view=net-5.0 Char.IsSymbol]
By adding a [[Component:DynamicVariableSpace|DynamicVariableSpace]] to a slot, the slot and all of its children become a part of the named variable space. This does not necessarily mean that every dynamic variable under this slot is "attached" to the space. This is explained further in [[#Binding]].
* Ponctuation / WhiteSpaces
** Comme défini en C# avec [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.char.ispunctuation?view=net-5.0 Char.IsPunctuation] et [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.char.iswhitespace?view=net-5.0 Char.IsWhiteSpace]
* '''Excepté''' pour les points (.), underscore (_) et espaces ( ).

{{Note|Quels concepts ou propriétés vos espaces et variables représentent? Prenez du temps pour bien les nommer. Ces noms vont être utilisés dans d'autres contextes et même par d'autres utilisateurs. Les changer après le fait peut être un challenge. |suggestion}}
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A slot can be part of multiple spaces at once. Spaces under child slots are <em>not</em> nested with respect to parent spaces in any form, meaning it is advised to make unique names for variable spaces.

== Utilisation ==
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=== Dynamic Variables ===
To create a dynamic variable, attach any one of the following components to a slot that is part of a variable space:

Optionnellement, un nom de variable peut être préfixé avec le nom d'un '''espace''', se finissant avec /, pour choisir un espace de variables. Cela est utile pour distinguer des systèmes indépendants.
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* [[Component:DynamicValueVariable|DynamicValueVariable]], for working with [[Value Types|value types]] ([[Type:int|int]], [[Type:string|string]], [[Type:float3|float3]], etc.).
* [[Component:DynamicReferenceVariable|DynamicReferenceVariable]], for working with [[Reference Types|reference types]] ([[Type:Slot|Slot]], [[Type:User|User]], etc.).
* [[Component:DynamicTypeVariable|DynamicTypeVariable]], for working with the [[Type:Type|Type]] type.

Quelques noms valides incluent:
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Dynamic variables have a name and a value. A variable's name is its unique identifier within the variable space, while its value is the value of the dynamic variable.

* Vie -- pas d'espaces, juste nommé Vie
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* World/Couleur -- nommé Couleur, dans l'espace World
=== Dynamic Fields ===
* MonSysteme/Score -- Nommé Score, dans l'espace MonSysteme
It is possible to "transform" an existing [[Type:IField|IField]] on a component into a dynamic variable. This is done by any one of the following components:

=== Espaces ===
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* [[Component:DynamicField|DynamicField]], for working with [[Value Types|value types]].
* [[Component:DynamicReference|DynamicReference]], for working with [[Reference Types|reference types]].
* [[Component:DynamicTypeField|DynamicTypeField]], for working with the [[Type:Type|Type]] type.

Les variables dynamiques peuvent être n'importe ou ou sous un [[Slot | slot]] contenant le composant [[DynamicVariableSpace (Component)|DynamicVariableSpace]].
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Upon attaching the component and dragging the field to convert into <code>TargetField</code>, the pointed field can then be interfaced with like any other dynamic variable.

Donc, une variable sur l'origine du monde peut être utilisée de partout alors qu'une variable dans un espace sur votre avatar ne peut être utilisée que sur votre avatar.
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=== Naming Restrictions ===
The names of dynamic variables and dynamic variable spaces must not contain symbols, punctuation, or whitespace, <em>except</em> for period (<code>.</code>), underscore (<code>_</code>), and space (<code> </code>). To check if a character is unable to be used in a dynamic variable name, one can use the [[ProtoFlux:Is Symbol|Is Symbol]], [[ProtoFlux:Is Punctuation|Is Punctuation]], and [[ProtoFlux:Is White Space|Is White Space]] ProtoFlux nodes, taking care of the three exceptions above.

=== Variables ===
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== Binding ==
The process of a dynamic variable being associated with a given space is called ''binding''. A dynamic variable component will traverse up the slot hierarchy, including its current slot, looking for an applicable variable space to bind to. If a dynamic variable does not find a dynamic variable space that it can bind to, it will not be accessible outside of the component itself, essentially reducing to a glorified [[Component:ValueField|ValueField]]. A dynamic variable will go through this binding process every time any part of the component changes.

La manière la plus simple d'utiliser les variables dynamiques est d'utiliser les composants [[DynamicValueVariable%601_(Component)|DynamicValueVariable<T>]] et [[DynamicReferenceVariable%601_(Component)|DynamicReferenceVariable<T>]]. Ils fonctionnent pour des valeurs (int, float, String...) et references (Slot, Utilisateur...).
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=== Direct Vs Indirect Binding ===
Ces components stockent une valeur ou référence directement. Si deux variable ont le même nom, elles auront des valeurs identiques.
When making a dynamic variable, the <code>VariableName</code> of a dynamic variable component can be one of the following two forms: <code>VariableName</code> or <code>VariableSpaceName/VariableName</code>. The former represents ''indirect binding'', while the latter represents ''direct binding''.

=== Champs ===
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If a dynamic variable is indirectly binding, it will bind to the first dynamic variable space that does not have <code>OnlyDirectBinding</code> set to <code>True</code>. If a dynamic variable is directly binding, it will bind to the first dynamic variable space that matches <code>VariableSpaceName</code>.

Si vous voulez utiliser un champ ou référence comme contenu d'une variable dynamique, vous pouvez utiliser les composants [[DynamicField%601_(Component)|DynamicField<T>]] ou [[DynamicReference%601_(Component)|DynamicReference<T>]]. A la place de stocker quelque chose directement, ils pointent a un champ contenant une certaine valeur ou référence.
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=== Binding Examples ===
In the following setup:

Comme avec les variables, il y a un pour les champs <code>Type</code>: [[Component:DynamicTypeField|DynamicTypeField]]
└─ Foo - Variable Space "test"
    └─ Bar - Variable Space "test2"
      └─ Baz - Dynamic Variable "test/var"

(A FAIRE: clarifier les types valeur vs référence)
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The dynamic variable <code>test/var</code> will bind to the variable space <code>test</code>. If the variable was instead named <code>var</code>, it will bind to the variable space <code>test2</code>. If the variable was named <code>var</code> and <code>test2</code> has <code>OnlyDirectBinding</code> enabled, it would bind to <code>test</code>.

=== Pilotes ===
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=== Binding Delay Warning ===
As of the time of writing, there exist a few instances where created variables do not instantly bind/rebind to a dynamic variable space, requiring a [[ProtoFlux:Delay Updates|Delay Updates]] of 2 or more updates. These include:

Vous pouvez utiliser le contenu d'une variable dynamique pour piloter un champ ou référence en utilisant les composants [[DynamicValueVariableDriver%601_(Component)|DynamicValueVariableDriver<T>]] ou [[DynamicReferenceVariableDriver%601_(Component)|DynamicReferenceVariableDriver<T>]].
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* [https://github.com/Yellow-Dog-Man/Resonite-Issues/issues/1394 Creating new dynamic reference variables].
* [https://github.com/Yellow-Dog-Man/Resonite-Issues/issues/2717 Deleting dynamic variables].
* Changing the name of a dynamic variable or dynamic variable space.
* Any instance where there is a dynamic variable space change without a component update, such as:
** [https://github.com/Yellow-Dog-Man/Resonite-Issues/issues/1690 duplicating slots containing a dynamic variable space].
** Reparenting a slot containing a dynamic variable under a new dynamic variable space.

=== Types non-listés ===
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If you find dynamic variables to be behaving weirdly, and you are doing any of these operations, try adding a delay of 2 or more updates between such operations.

A la création d'une variable dynamique, vous pouvez choisir depuis une liste de types communs. Si ce que vous voulez n'est pas dans la liste, vous allez devoir entrer le [[Complex Types in Components | type complexe]] manuellement.
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== Interfacing ==
A variable space can be interfaced with any slot that resides within the variable space, even if the slot is not part of the hierarchy containing the exact dynamic variable being interfaced with.

=== La Fixation ===
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=== Reading Dynvars ===
In ProtoFlux, the [[ProtoFlux:Read Dynamic Variable|Read Dynamic Variable]] node and [[ProtoFlux:Dynamic Variable Input|Dynamic Variable Input]] nodes exist to read dynamic variables from a slot.

Créer, dupliquer ou bouger une variable dynamique requiers de '''fixer''' cette variable a un espace.
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C'est un processus automatique mais qui n'est pas parfait.
The Read Dynamic Variable node takes in a <code>Source</code> [[Slot]] and a <code>Path</code> variable name, and is marked as [[ContinuouslyChanging]]. The Dynamic Variable Input node uses a [[Global]] for <code>Path</code> and binds to spaces in the slot hierarchy it exists in. Therefore, when reading constant-name dynamic variables within the same dynamic variable space of the slot the node exists in, the Dynamic Variable Input node is preferred. When reading dynamic variables from a space outside the node's slot hierarchy, the Read Dynamic Variable node must be used.

Dans l'essence, il va chercher un espace de variable dynamique correspondant au slot de la variable dynamique.
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Si il n'en trouve pas, il essaye le slot parent, et son parent, ect. jusqu'à ce qu'un espace soit trouvé.
It is also possible to read dynamic variables by sourcing the <code>Value</code> or <code>Reference</code> field of the component directly. This is not recommended, as if the dynamic variable ever gets deleted and remade, the source will break, removing half the functionality of a dynamic variable.
Les variables avec un nom d'espace spécifique ne vont être compatible qu'avec un espace du même nom.
Les variables sans nom d'espace explicite vont s'attacher a n'importe quel espace qui n'est pas <code>OnlyDirectBinding</code>.

L'image suivante montre les différence de fixation:
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=== Driving from Dynvars ===
By using a [[Component:DynamicValueVariableDriver|DynamicValueVariableDriver]] or [[Component:DynamicReferenceVariableDriver|DynamicReferenceVariableDriver]] component, fields can be driven using the value of a dynamic variable. This is recommended over traditional methods of driving by virtue of its flexibility and compactness.

[[File:Dynamic_Variables.svg|border|Une image montrant que les espaces de variables dynamiques avec OnlyDirectBinding sont ignorées excepté par les variables qui sont explicitement dans le même espace.]]
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=== Writing to Dynvars ===
Dynamic variables should be written to via the [[ProtoFlux:Write Dynamic Variable|Write Dynamic Variable]] or [[ProtoFlux:Write Or Create Dynamic Variable|Write Or Create Dynamic Variable]] ProtoFlux nodes. The former will write to existing dynamic variables, while the latter will create the dynamic variable if it doesn't exist already.

* I: <code>A</code> est connecté à <code>Inner</code> car <code>Inner</code> n'est <u>pas</u> <code>OnlyDirectBinding</code>.
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* <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">II/III: Both variables are bound explicitly.</span>
=== Driving Dynvars ===
* <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">IV: <code>A</code> ignores <code>Inner</code> because <code>Inner</code> is <code>OnlyDirectBinding</code>.</span>
Driving dynamic variables must be done with caution. If a dynamic variable is being driven, it is <em>crucial</em> that <em>all</em> instances of the same dynamic variable are driven by the same value. Otherwise, clients will fight over which value is the "true" value of the dynamic variable and cause inconsistent behavior. The other caution relates to how driving is essentially a local write each frame, which is expanded on in [[#Writing/Driving_Delay_Warning]].
* <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">V/VI: Both variables are bound explicitly.</span>
* <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">VII/IX: There is no matching dynamic variable space. Both variables are not bound.</span>
* <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">VIII: The variable is explicitly bound to <code>World</code>.</span>
* <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">I and II share the same value.</span>
* <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">III, IV and VI share the same value.</span>

{{#mermaid:flowchart BT
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    subgraph outside
=== Writing/Driving Delay Warning ===
If dynamic variables are written to via sourcing the component field and writing, it will incur a delay of 1 frame before the value is propagated to any read nodes. As such, it is highly not recommended to directly write to dynamic variable components, and always recommended to use the proper ProtoFlux nodes.
        InvalidSpace["Invalid, not linked"]
    subgraph RootSlot [RootSlot]
        World["Space #34;World#34;"]
        color["World/Color1"] --> World
    subgraph UserRootSlot
        UserSpace["Space #34;User#34;"]
        V["User/Voice"] --> UserSpace
        V2["User/Color"] --> UserSpace
    subgraph AvatarRootSlot
        hips["HipsSlot"] --> AvatarSpace
        AvatarSpace["Space #34;Avatar#34;"]
        Flux2_node0 -. points to .-> color

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
    avatarworld --> World
When driving the value of a dynamic variable, it is essentially a local write to the component every frame. As such, the 1 frame of delay will apply there too. There is currently no good way to avoid this.
    avatar --> UserSpace
    subgraph Flux1
        Flux1_node0(["User Root Slot"]) -. automatically points to .-> UserRootSlot
        Flux1_node1(["Read #34;User/Avatar#34;"]) --> Flux1_node0
        Flux1_node1 -. points to .-> AvatarRootSlot
        Flux1_node2(["Read Variable #34;Avatar/Hips#34;"]) --> Flux1_node1
        Flux1_node2 -. points to .-> hips
    invalid --> InvalidSpace

=== Attention ===
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== Best Practices ==
Even though dynamic variables allow for a wide array of freedom, there are a few practices generally considered to be favorable when working with dynamic variables:

<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">In a few use-cases, binding may take a small amount of time, before which the dynamic variable can appear to be present, but not be readable or writable.</span>
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Therefore, if you create a dynamic variable using the [[ProtoFlux:Create Dynamic Variable|Create Dynamic Variable]] or [[ProtoFlux:Write Or Create Dynamic Variable|Write Or Create Dynamic Variable]] ProtoFlux Node, or cause it to be duplicated using the [[ProtoFlux:Duplicate Slot |Duplicate Slot]] ProtoFlux Node, or cause it to be moved using the [[ProtoFlux:Set Parent|Set Parent]] ProtoFlux Node, you may find it necessary to add an [[ProtoFlux:Delay Updates|Delay Updates]] or [[ProtoFlux:Updates Delay With Data|Updates Delay With Data]] ProtoFlux Node afterwards in order to ensure the dynamic variables have been bound by the time you use them. A delay of 1 to 3 updates usually suffices. Creating [[Component:DynamicValueVariable|DynamicValueVariables]] on already existing [[Component:DynamicVariableSpace|Dynamic Variable Space]] doesn't require any delays.</span>
* It is highly recommended to have only one instance of a dynamic variable (dynamic variable component with the same name) at any given time.
** There aren't any huge problems with having multiple dynamic variable instances if none or all of the instances are being driven, but it allows for cleaner organization of variables.
* Using variable names that directly bind allows for a clearer overview of what space the variables should be bound to. Indirectly binding variable names are more suited for variables that are dynamically created and/or destroyed as part of an object's function.
** Using <code>OnlyDirectBinding</code> on a DynamicVariableSpace strictly enforces this behavior, which can prevent misbindings and catch errors earlier.
* Dynamic variable spaces are not nested. If a system is complex enough, or if a DynamicVariableSpace is being shared by multiple objects, using periods (<code>.</code>) to pseudo-isolate objects or systems from one another is encouraged.
** e.g. an avatar and all of its features could contain the dynamic variables <code>User/Avatar.Systems.Grabbable.Enabled</code>, <code>User/Avatar.Blendshapes.Blep.MaxClamp</code>, <code>User/Avatar.Systems.Flight.Drag</code>, etc.

<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Dynamic variables are also global by default. If you [[drive]] a Dynamic variable, the variable's value becomes inherently local. If you have another instance of the variable that's not driven, it will cause the driven value to synchronize between all clients in the session, resulting in value seemingly glitching.</span>
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== Default Spaces ==
As of the time of writing, there are three dynamic spaces that exist "by default":

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* <code>World</code>, which exists under the [[Root]] of any created world. This space is marked as <code>OnlyDirectBinding</code>.
** Useful for things that should globally affect the world or broadcast information throughout the world. Example items that use this space include [[BeatLink]] and the [[Redprint]] manager.
* <code>User</code>, which exists under every [[User]]'s [[ProtoFlux:User Root Slot|User Root Slot]]. This space is <code>OnlyDirectBinding</code>.
** Useful for systems that affect avatars, as outside objects can rely on a standardized space being available for each user to read and write variables on.
* <code>Dash</code>, which exists under the slot containing the [[Component:UserspaceRadiantDash|UserspaceRadiantDash]] in userspace.

<!-- TODO: more precise list of problematic uses cases (e.g. <code>Duplicate Slot</code> of a whole space works totally fine.) -->
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== Example Usage ==

==  <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Example Applications</span> ==
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=== One Contained System ===
Say you are working on a large and complicated system. In lieu of trying to manage "global" settings by sourcing ValueField components, you can use dynamic variables to help assign names to settings or other useful values. This is usually accomplished by placing a DynamicVariableSpace on the root of your object (or root of your "library") and having a specialized dynamic variable slot for containing the dynamic variables. Depending on how many dynamic variables are used, it may be beneficial to delegate them to multiple slots.

<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">The following examples will demonstrate a few use-cases of dynamic variables.</span>
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<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">There is a focus on how to use them to create separate objects</span>
A screenshot showing a simple setup like this is shown below. Note the use of [[ProtoFlux:Dynamic Variable Input|Dynamic Variable Input]] nodes for performance sake.

===  <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Modules within an object</span> ===
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[[File:Dynamic Variable Example Internal System.webp|800px]]

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=== Controlling Another System ===
Say that you want to make an external controller for a system on an avatar. This system uses the default <code>User</code> dynamic variable space and namespaces itself with <code>User/CoolAvatarSystem.</code>.

<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Dynamic variables within an object allow modularization.</span>
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<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Different modules would be connected via dynamic variables within the space located at the root of the object.</span>
The simplest way to get a slot to interface with this system can be obtained by getting the [[User]] in some fashion and plugging it into the [[ProtoFlux:User Root Slot|User Root Slot]] node. Reading with this system should be done with the [[ProtoFlux:Read Dynamic Variable|Read Dynamic Variable]] node, as the controller is not part of the dynamic variable space on the user.
<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">If all hard-coded references going in or out of a module are eliminated you can replace it with a different variant/version without additional setup.</span>
<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Module-local variables can be created with a dynamic variable space located at the root of the module. Use appropriately named spaces to differentiate between the two.</span>
<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">To make available variables more obvious to other people - including you in 6 months - it is recommended to place all dynamic variables within a dedicated slot hierarchy.</span>

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Des noms communs pour ces hiérarchies sont:
From there, it's simply a matter of knowing the right variable names and types (e.g. <code>User/CoolAvatarSystem.Enabled</code> being a <code>bool</code>). Plugging the previously obtained slot into the <code>Source</code> of a Read Dynamic Variable of the matching type and path will get you the current value, while using a Write Dynamic Variable will allow you to write to it.
* DV
* DynVar
* Vars
* etc.

Un objet modulaire pourrait ressembler a ca:
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* Project (Espace: <code>MyProject</code>)
== See Also ==
** Dynamic Variables
* [[Dynamic Impulses]]
*** projectVar: String (Dynamic variable <code>projectVar</code> of type [[Type:String|String]])
** Module: Interfaces (par exemple [[Component:MeshRenderer|MeshRenderer]] ou [[Component:Canvas|Canvas]] plus [[Collider|Colliders]]) peuvent contenir:
*** Dynamic Variable Drivers → Visuals
*** [[:Category:Components:Common_UI:Button_Interactions|Button Interactions]] → Dynamic Variables
*** [[:Category:Components:Common_UI:Editors|Editors]] ↔ Dynamic Variables
** Module: Logic (Space: <code>Logic</code>)
*** Dynamic Variables
**** logicVar: int (Dynamic variable <code>logicVar</code> of type [[Type:Int|int]])
**** MyProject/Logic: Slot (Dynamic variable <code>Logic</code> of type [[Slot]] for space <code>MyProject</code>, driven with reference to Slot of module to make it accessible to other modules)
*** [[ProtoFlux]] (peut lire, écrire et conduire les variables dynamiques dans l'espace <code>MyProject</code>)
===  <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Configurable objects</span>  ===
Les variables dynamiques rendent possible d’accéder aux propriétés d'un autre objet.
Assumant des objets avec un espace de variables dynamiques, un collisionneur et une variable de type string nommée <code>Description</code>, vous pourriez créer un outil séparé qui lis et montre la <code>Description</code> de l'objet sur lequel vous pointez. Le même outil pourrait être utilisé pour changer la description.
Le même concept est aussi appliqué sur les Slot modèles utilisés dans un projet.
Leurs instances peuvent être interagies avec par les variables dynamiques.
=== <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">World/User variables</span>  ===
Il y a quelques espaces de variables dynamiques pré-faits:
* <code>World</code> sur [[Root]] (<code>OnlyDirectBinding</code>)
* <code>User</code> sur chaque Slot [[Component:UserRoot|User Root]] (<code>OnlyDirectBinding</code>)
* <code>Dash</code> sur le Slot de [[Component:UserspaceRadiantDash|UserSpaceRadiantDash]]
Elles peuvent être utilisées pour un état partagé par plusieurs objets (par exemple, option jour/nuit, performance) ou pour annoncer des données dans le monde. ([[BeatLink]] ou [[Redprint]])
Voir [[Dynamic Variable Naming Standard|standards de nommages]] pour une liste plus détaillée.

Latest revision as of 01:20, 6 September 2024

Dynamic variables, commonly shorted to dyn vars or dynvars, is a system of data storage wherein one can store arbitrary, scoped data under slot hierarchies with arbitrary names, akin to that of an associative array. Their usage is usually found in large systems with many moving parts, but can nonetheless be useful as easy "global" values that can be changed on an object.

For a quick-start guide on using dynamic variables, the How To Use Dynamic Variables page serves to be a how-to.


Dynamic variables are managed with two parts: dynamic variable spaces and dynamic variables. Dynamic variables live under a dynamic variable space, and can be created, modified, and destroyed dynamically.

Variable Spaces

By adding a DynamicVariableSpace to a slot, the slot and all of its children become a part of the named variable space. This does not necessarily mean that every dynamic variable under this slot is "attached" to the space. This is explained further in #Binding.

A slot can be part of multiple spaces at once. Spaces under child slots are not nested with respect to parent spaces in any form, meaning it is advised to make unique names for variable spaces.

Dynamic Variables

To create a dynamic variable, attach any one of the following components to a slot that is part of a variable space:

Dynamic variables have a name and a value. A variable's name is its unique identifier within the variable space, while its value is the value of the dynamic variable.

Dynamic Fields

It is possible to "transform" an existing IField on a component into a dynamic variable. This is done by any one of the following components:

Upon attaching the component and dragging the field to convert into TargetField, the pointed field can then be interfaced with like any other dynamic variable.

Naming Restrictions

The names of dynamic variables and dynamic variable spaces must not contain symbols, punctuation, or whitespace, except for period (.), underscore (_), and space ( ). To check if a character is unable to be used in a dynamic variable name, one can use the Is Symbol, Is Punctuation, and Is White Space ProtoFlux nodes, taking care of the three exceptions above.


The process of a dynamic variable being associated with a given space is called binding. A dynamic variable component will traverse up the slot hierarchy, including its current slot, looking for an applicable variable space to bind to. If a dynamic variable does not find a dynamic variable space that it can bind to, it will not be accessible outside of the component itself, essentially reducing to a glorified ValueField. A dynamic variable will go through this binding process every time any part of the component changes.

Direct Vs Indirect Binding

When making a dynamic variable, the VariableName of a dynamic variable component can be one of the following two forms: VariableName or VariableSpaceName/VariableName. The former represents indirect binding, while the latter represents direct binding.

If a dynamic variable is indirectly binding, it will bind to the first dynamic variable space that does not have OnlyDirectBinding set to True. If a dynamic variable is directly binding, it will bind to the first dynamic variable space that matches VariableSpaceName.

Binding Examples

In the following setup:

└─ Foo - Variable Space "test"
   └─ Bar - Variable Space "test2"
      └─ Baz - Dynamic Variable "test/var"

The dynamic variable test/var will bind to the variable space test. If the variable was instead named var, it will bind to the variable space test2. If the variable was named var and test2 has OnlyDirectBinding enabled, it would bind to test.

Binding Delay Warning

As of the time of writing, there exist a few instances where created variables do not instantly bind/rebind to a dynamic variable space, requiring a Delay Updates of 2 or more updates. These include:

If you find dynamic variables to be behaving weirdly, and you are doing any of these operations, try adding a delay of 2 or more updates between such operations.


A variable space can be interfaced with any slot that resides within the variable space, even if the slot is not part of the hierarchy containing the exact dynamic variable being interfaced with.

Reading Dynvars

In ProtoFlux, the Read Dynamic Variable node and Dynamic Variable Input nodes exist to read dynamic variables from a slot.

The Read Dynamic Variable node takes in a Source Slot and a Path variable name, and is marked as ContinuouslyChanging. The Dynamic Variable Input node uses a Global for Path and binds to spaces in the slot hierarchy it exists in. Therefore, when reading constant-name dynamic variables within the same dynamic variable space of the slot the node exists in, the Dynamic Variable Input node is preferred. When reading dynamic variables from a space outside the node's slot hierarchy, the Read Dynamic Variable node must be used.

It is also possible to read dynamic variables by sourcing the Value or Reference field of the component directly. This is not recommended, as if the dynamic variable ever gets deleted and remade, the source will break, removing half the functionality of a dynamic variable.

Driving from Dynvars

By using a DynamicValueVariableDriver or DynamicReferenceVariableDriver component, fields can be driven using the value of a dynamic variable. This is recommended over traditional methods of driving by virtue of its flexibility and compactness.

Writing to Dynvars

Dynamic variables should be written to via the Write Dynamic Variable or Write Or Create Dynamic Variable ProtoFlux nodes. The former will write to existing dynamic variables, while the latter will create the dynamic variable if it doesn't exist already.

Driving Dynvars

Driving dynamic variables must be done with caution. If a dynamic variable is being driven, it is crucial that all instances of the same dynamic variable are driven by the same value. Otherwise, clients will fight over which value is the "true" value of the dynamic variable and cause inconsistent behavior. The other caution relates to how driving is essentially a local write each frame, which is expanded on in #Writing/Driving_Delay_Warning.

Writing/Driving Delay Warning

If dynamic variables are written to via sourcing the component field and writing, it will incur a delay of 1 frame before the value is propagated to any read nodes. As such, it is highly not recommended to directly write to dynamic variable components, and always recommended to use the proper ProtoFlux nodes.

When driving the value of a dynamic variable, it is essentially a local write to the component every frame. As such, the 1 frame of delay will apply there too. There is currently no good way to avoid this.

Best Practices

Even though dynamic variables allow for a wide array of freedom, there are a few practices generally considered to be favorable when working with dynamic variables:

  • It is highly recommended to have only one instance of a dynamic variable (dynamic variable component with the same name) at any given time.
    • There aren't any huge problems with having multiple dynamic variable instances if none or all of the instances are being driven, but it allows for cleaner organization of variables.
  • Using variable names that directly bind allows for a clearer overview of what space the variables should be bound to. Indirectly binding variable names are more suited for variables that are dynamically created and/or destroyed as part of an object's function.
    • Using OnlyDirectBinding on a DynamicVariableSpace strictly enforces this behavior, which can prevent misbindings and catch errors earlier.
  • Dynamic variable spaces are not nested. If a system is complex enough, or if a DynamicVariableSpace is being shared by multiple objects, using periods (.) to pseudo-isolate objects or systems from one another is encouraged.
    • e.g. an avatar and all of its features could contain the dynamic variables User/Avatar.Systems.Grabbable.Enabled, User/Avatar.Blendshapes.Blep.MaxClamp, User/Avatar.Systems.Flight.Drag, etc.

Default Spaces

As of the time of writing, there are three dynamic spaces that exist "by default":

  • World, which exists under the Root of any created world. This space is marked as OnlyDirectBinding.
    • Useful for things that should globally affect the world or broadcast information throughout the world. Example items that use this space include BeatLink and the Redprint manager.
  • User, which exists under every User's User Root Slot. This space is OnlyDirectBinding.
    • Useful for systems that affect avatars, as outside objects can rely on a standardized space being available for each user to read and write variables on.
  • Dash, which exists under the slot containing the UserspaceRadiantDash in userspace.

Example Usage

One Contained System

Say you are working on a large and complicated system. In lieu of trying to manage "global" settings by sourcing ValueField components, you can use dynamic variables to help assign names to settings or other useful values. This is usually accomplished by placing a DynamicVariableSpace on the root of your object (or root of your "library") and having a specialized dynamic variable slot for containing the dynamic variables. Depending on how many dynamic variables are used, it may be beneficial to delegate them to multiple slots.

A screenshot showing a simple setup like this is shown below. Note the use of Dynamic Variable Input nodes for performance sake.

Controlling Another System

Say that you want to make an external controller for a system on an avatar. This system uses the default User dynamic variable space and namespaces itself with User/CoolAvatarSystem..

The simplest way to get a slot to interface with this system can be obtained by getting the User in some fashion and plugging it into the User Root Slot node. Reading with this system should be done with the Read Dynamic Variable node, as the controller is not part of the dynamic variable space on the user.

From there, it's simply a matter of knowing the right variable names and types (e.g. User/CoolAvatarSystem.Enabled being a bool). Plugging the previously obtained slot into the Source of a Read Dynamic Variable of the matching type and path will get you the current value, while using a Write Dynamic Variable will allow you to write to it.

See Also