To help our users with Headless Client configuration here are some example files:
The bare minimum required to run a single headless world. In this case it just runs a Grid world with a name of "Testing"
"$schema": "",
"startWorlds": [
"isEnabled": true,
"sessionName": "Testing",
"accessLevel": "Anyone",
"loadWorldPresetName": "Grid"
Minimal with Login
This is an exact copy of the Minimal config but includes a User Login. For user management make sure to checkout our recommendations for users on Headless
"$schema": "",
"loginCredential": "<username>",
"loginPassword": "<password>",
"startWorlds": [
"isEnabled": true,
"sessionName": "Testing",
"accessLevel": "Anyone",
"loadWorldPresetName": "Grid"
Minimal with Specified World
"$schema": "",
"startWorlds": [
"isEnabled": true,
"sessionName": "Testing",
"accessLevel": "Anyone",
"loadWorldURL": "resrec:///U-ProbablePrime/R-49dd64cd-b2d6-40ac-be73-440abfa8bc48"
The default configuration file from the Resonite Installation.
"$schema": "",
"comment": "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! Your changes will be lost. Copy it over and create a new file called Config.json",
"universeId": null,
"tickRate": 60.0,
"maxConcurrentAssetTransfers": 4,
"usernameOverride": null,
"loginCredential": null,
"loginPassword": null,
"startWorlds": [
"isEnabled": true,
"sessionName": null,
"customSessionId": null,
"description": null,
"maxUsers": 16,
"accessLevel": "Anyone",
"useCustomJoinVerifier": false,
"hideFromPublicListing": null,
"tags": null,
"mobileFriendly": false,
"loadWorldURL": null,
"loadWorldPresetName": "Grid",
"overrideCorrespondingWorldId": null,
"forcePort": null,
"keepOriginalRoles": false,
"defaultUserRoles": null,
"roleCloudVariable": null,
"allowUserCloudVariable": null,
"denyUserCloudVariable": null,
"requiredUserJoinCloudVariable": null,
"requiredUserJoinCloudVariableDenyMessage": null,
"awayKickMinutes": -1.0,
"parentSessionIds": null,
"autoInviteUsernames": null,
"autoInviteMessage": null,
"saveAsOwner": null,
"autoRecover": true,
"idleRestartInterval": -1.0,
"forcedRestartInterval": -1.0,
"saveOnExit": false,
"autosaveInterval": -1.0,
"autoSleep": true
"dataFolder": null,
"cacheFolder": null,
"logsFolder": null,
"allowedUrlHosts": null,
"autoSpawnItems": null