ProtoFlux:Get Character

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Revision as of 03:29, 23 February 2024 by Yosh (talk | contribs) (add warning about strings containing characters outside the basic multilingual plane)
Get Character

Get Character is a ProtoFlux node that retrieves an arbitrary character from a given string.


Str (String)

The string to retrieve a character from.

Index (int)

The 0-indexed character to retrieve from Str.


* (char)

The character from Str at index Index. If Index is greater than or equal to the length of Str, or if Str is empty or null, the output will be a character with value 0.

Strings are UTF-16 encoded, and a char represents one UTF16 codepoint. Usage of this node on a string containing characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane may result in unwanted or confusing behavior, such as returning a surrogate.
