
Category page
Node Name Description
Char To String Converts the char to a string.
Concatenate Chars Combines the char into a string.
From UTF16 Converts the 16-bit codepoint to a char.
From UTF32 Converts the UTF32 codepoint to a string.
Get Character Gets the char at the index of input.
Is Control Checks the char if it is a control (non-printable) character.
Is Digit Checks the char if it is a digit.
Is Letter Checks the char if it is a letter.
Is Letter Or Digit Checks the char if it is a letter or a digit.
Is Lower Checks the char if it is a lower case letter.
Is Number Checks the char if it is a number.
Is Punctuation Checks the char if it is a punctuation character.
Is Separator Checks the char if it is a separator.
Is Surrogate Checks the char if it is a surrogate.
Is Symbol Checks the char if it is a symbol.
Is Upper Checks the char if it is an upper case letter.
Is White Space Checks the char if it is whitespace.
String To UTF32 Converts the char at an index to a UTF32 codepoint.
Surrogate Pair To UTF32 Converts the surrogate pair given to a UTF32 codepoint.
To Lower (Character) Makes the input character literal lower case.
To Upper (Character) Makes the input character literal upper case.
To UTF16 Converts a char to its 16-bit codepoint.