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Component image 
SkinnedMeshRenderer component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The SkinnedMeshRenderer component is used for rendering animated/dynamic 3D meshes in the world, and applying materials to that mesh.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Mesh Mesh The mesh to be rendered. Can be a StaticMesh or a Procedural Mesh
Materials list of Material A list of materials to be applied to the mesh
MaterialPropertyBlocks list of MaterialPropertyBlock
ShadowCastMode ShadowCastMode How this object will cast shadows onto the world, or if it only draws a shadow.
MotionVectorMode MotionVectorMode
SortingOrder Int
BoundsComputeMethod SkinnedBounds How the bounds of this mesh will be calculated. Should be left as Static if possible, for performance reasons.
ProxyBoundsSource SkinnedMeshRenderer
ExplicitLocalBounds BoundingBox
Bones list of Slot Automatically Assigned — List of bones present in this mesh
BlendShapeWeights direct SyncFieldList`1<Float> Automatically Assigned — List of blendshapes present in this mesh, and their respective weights.


While it can be used for rendering static meshes, it is not recommended as there is a slight performance penalty for using SkinnedMeshRenderer, even if the animation features aren't used — Please try to use MeshRenderer where possible.

Special Functions

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Is the method hidden? Description
SplitBlenshapeAlongAxisFunc`7<Int, Axis3D, Float, Float, String, String, Task`1<Bool>> Func`7<Int, Axis3D, Float, Float, String, String, Task`1<Bool>> X
BakeBlendshapeFunc`2<Int, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Int, Task`1<Bool>> X
RemoveBlendshapeFunc`2<Int, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Int, Task`1<Bool>> X
VisualizeApproximateBoneBoundsButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler
VisualizeBoneBoundsButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler
ClearBoundsVisualsButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler
SeparateOutBlendshapesButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler
StripEmptyBlendshapesButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler
BakeNonDrivenBlendshapesButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler
BakeToStaticMeshButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler
MergeBlendshapesButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler
StripEmptyBonesButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler
ComputeExplicitBoundsFromPoseButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler
ExtendExplicitBoundsFromPoseButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler
SortBlendshapesByNameButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler
SortBlendshapesByNameLengthButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler
SplitSubmeshesAction Action X Will split this mesh into additional submeshes, each having only one material
MergeByMaterialAction Action X Will merge all submeshes that use the same material


Related Components