
Category page
Revision as of 05:48, 15 January 2024 by 989onan (talk | contribs) (Create Users:Info ProtoFlux Category)
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Node Name Description
Local Time Offset Gets the Time Offset(Time Span) of the user looking at the node.
User Active View Targetting Controller
User Downloaded Bytes Returns how many bytes the provided user's has downloaded in total.
User Download Speed Returns the provided user's current download speed.
User Download Speed Max Returns the provided user's max recorded download speed in this session.
User FPS A user's current Frames Per Second.
User Head Output Device
User Ping A user's current ping in milliseconds to the Host.
User Platform Ex: Linux, Windows, MacOS
User Primary Hand The hand this user uses to write with.
User Queued Messages Commonly known as a user's "Queued Packets".
User Recording Voice Message Returns if the provided user is currently recording a voice message in their dash.
User Time Returns what time it is for the provided user.
User Time Offset Gets the Time Offset(Time Span) of the provided user.
User Uploaded Bytes Returns how many bytes the provided user's has uploaded in total.
User Upload Speed Returns the provided user's current upload speed.
User Upload Speed Max Returns the provided user's max recorded upload speed in this session.
User View Reference Active
User View Voice Active
User Voice Mode Returns the Voice Mode Enum of the provided user.
User VR Active Returns a Types:Bool for if the provided user is in VR or not.