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Revision as of 19:15, 3 February 2024 by 989onan (talk | contribs) (Create Decrement value page)
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Decrements take Variable (Variable Sudo-Generic) as a global, and will decrease the value that Variable (Variable Sudo-Generic) points to by 1.

Keep in mind this node will only work if given variables that can be decremented. Trying to decrement a non numeric value like a Boolean or an Enum will not work.

Decrements are a way to change a specified value without driving it. Instead you can use Decrements to change a value in a similar fashion to changing the value through the inspector. Using Decrements helps with performance too, since the values provided to the node only evaluate for one game tick while the node is being impulsed vs a driver which evaluates every game tick. This can also be used to reduce the amount of times code is evaluated. If you have to search the entire root for your code to find a slot and then do an operation, using Decrements with your operations will help with performance since you're only searching once and not every single game tick.


* (Call)

Call this to write the value.


OnWritten (Continuation)

sends an impulse after * (Call) has been impulsed and the value pointed to by Variable (Variable Sudo-Generic) has been decremented.

OnFail (Continuation)

sends an impulse after * (Call) has been impulsed and the value wasn't able to be decremented due to a missing target or Variable (Variable Sudo-Generic) not pointing to a valid IField`1.


Variable (Variable Sudo-Generic)

The numeric Variable to decrement by 1.


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