
Category page
Revision as of 16:38, 14 February 2024 by 989onan (talk | contribs) (fix link to component that changed name)
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Component Description
AvatarObjectPermissions It determines which avatars users are allowed to equip if the avatar is tagged properly
CameraPermissions It sets up who can use which camera mode
GrabbablePermissions It configure which Object grabbable by Tags / installed component types
InteractionHandlerPermissions It sets up which tools equippable by Tool Types
LocomotionPermissions It configure what locomotion can be used by ComponentTypes
ScreenViewPermissions It configure what screenview can be used by screenview type names
TouchablePermissions It configure which Object Touchable by Tags / installed component types
UserPermissions It configure which action can use for applied roles
VoicePermission It configure which voicemode can use. if set "Shout", user can use left 4 voice mode; Mute < Whisper < Normal < Shout < Broadcast(not useable)
WorldPermissions It configure common world permission like; spawn,save,grab-out items / equip avatar / saveWorld

All of permission component can set by each Role types.

if button is green: apply with this role.

if button is red: doesn't apply with this role.