
From Resonite Wiki
Revision as of 21:52, 27 February 2024 by PJB (talk | contribs) (Replace with EnumValues template)

BodyNode is an Enum, which refers to a part of the body within the Standard Resonite Avatar System. It has a lot of values which loosely map to a human skeleton. This Enum is usually used with nodes that deal with the Avatar System, most notably is Body Node Slot(ProtoFlux).

Body nodes and how they are mapped to an avatar are stored on the Biped Rig Component in the avatar's root, check Biped Rig Component for how this is done.

Name Value Description
Root 1
LeftController 2
RightController 3
Hips 4
Spine 5
Chest 6
UpperChest 7
Neck 8
Head 9
Jaw 10
LeftEye 11
RightEye 12
LeftShoulder 13
LeftUpperArm 14
LeftLowerArm 15
LeftHand 16
LeftPalm 17
LeftThumb_Metacarpal 18
LeftThumb_Proximal 19
LeftThumb_Distal 20
LeftThumb_Tip 21
LeftIndexFinger_Metacarpal 22
LeftIndexFinger_Proximal 23
LeftIndexFinger_Intermediate 24
LeftIndexFinger_Distal 25
LeftIndexFinger_Tip 26
LeftMiddleFinger_Metacarpal 27
LeftMiddleFinger_Proximal 28
LeftMiddleFinger_Intermediate 29
LeftMiddleFinger_Distal 30
LeftMiddleFinger_Tip 31
LeftRingFinger_Metacarpal 32
LeftRingFinger_Proximal 33
LeftRingFinger_Intermediate 34
LeftRingFinger_Distal 35
LeftRingFinger_Tip 36
LeftPinky_Metacarpal 37
LeftPinky_Proximal 38
LeftPinky_Intermediate 39
LeftPinky_Distal 40
LeftPinky_Tip 41
RightShoulder 42
RightUpperArm 43
RightLowerArm 44
RightHand 45
RightPalm 46
RightThumb_Metacarpal 47
RightThumb_Proximal 48
RightThumb_Distal 49
RightThumb_Tip 50
RightIndexFinger_Metacarpal 51
RightIndexFinger_Proximal 52
RightIndexFinger_Intermediate 53
RightIndexFinger_Distal 54
RightIndexFinger_Tip 55
RightMiddleFinger_Metacarpal 56
RightMiddleFinger_Proximal 57
RightMiddleFinger_Intermediate 58
RightMiddleFinger_Distal 59
RightMiddleFinger_Tip 60
RightRingFinger_Metacarpal 61
RightRingFinger_Proximal 62
RightRingFinger_Intermediate 63
RightRingFinger_Distal 64
RightRingFinger_Tip 65
RightPinky_Metacarpal 66
RightPinky_Proximal 67
RightPinky_Intermediate 68
RightPinky_Distal 69
RightPinky_Tip 70
LeftUpperLeg 71
LeftLowerLeg 72
LeftFoot 73
LeftToes 74
RightUpperLeg 75
RightLowerLeg 76
RightFoot 77
RightToes 78
END 79