Beta 2024.5.22.1274 is a Resonite version released on 2024/05/22.
The following notes were sent by Frooxius:
- Hello everyone! This is more of a "personal" update, since I've been sick with COVID for past several days >///> I decided to pick up a thing I wanted to do for a good bit, adding the native face & eye tracking support for Quest Pro since I have it with me right now.
- This builds integrates the Quest Pro face tracking into our general face & eye tracking system. Since it supports more parameters, the general system has been expanded with new expressions and capabilities!
- If you got avatar setup already, it'll work out of the box, since most got mapped to the existing parameters. But there's also whole bunch of new ones too.
- If you're using Vive Pro Eye + Vive Face tracker, the system will also optionally estimate some of them for you as well - you're given some new controls to determine if certain expressions should be estimated or not.
- Anyway I hope you'll enjoy this update regardless, there will be more cool stuff coming soon! :3
New Features:
- Added native support for Quest Pro eye & face tracking over SteamLink OSC
- It should work out of the box as long as it's enabled in SteamVR
- You can select which port to receive data on (9000 or 9015) in Settings under Devices
- Expanded generalized face & eye tracking support with new parameters (available on AvatarExpressionDriver)
- Mouth Dimple (left & right)
- Cheek Raise
- Lip Overturn (Funnel) has been split between left & right
- Lip Overlay / Underlay (suck in) has been split between left & right
- Lip Stretch / Tighten
- Lips press
- Pout (pucker) has been split between left & right
- Nose Wrinkle (snarl)
- Chin Raise (bottom and top)
- Eyebrow vertical offset for inner & outer side
- Eye tracking system is now aware of whether pupil tracking is supported or not
- For eye tracking hardware that does not support pupil tracking (e.g. Quest Pro), EyeManager will automatically simulate it as normal
- If you're accessing the raw data, the value will be less than 0 (-1)
- Face tracking system now communicates which sets of parameters it tracks
- This ensures that data streams are setup only for the ones that are needed
- AvatarExpression driver will try to estimate parameters that are not tracked when enabled
- Added EstimateIfNotTracked to expression drivers on AvatarExpressionDriver
- Disabling this will not drive given expression if it's not directly tracked
- Note that some expressions are never directly tracked at the moment, so they will never be driven if you disable this
- SRAnipal will not be automatically started when running over SteamLink
- Merged Japanese locale update by @Aesc
- Merged German locale update by @Muppeq
- Merged French locale update by @Jae “awa” J4
- Merged Russian locale update by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+1/+2]
- Merged English locale fix by @Delta and @Muppeq
- Merged Finnish locale update by @Toni Kat
- Merged Chinese locale update by modimobeikete