
Category page
Revision as of 09:44, 27 June 2024 by AmasterAmaster (talk | contribs) (Updated descriptions.)
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Category Summary
BoolVectors Any, All, and None with Bool 2, 3, and 4's
Boolean Boolean math, Think Logic gates.
Matrix Transform matrices like 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4 TRS.
Packing Packing up and splitting sets of values like float3, bool2, and int4.
Vectors Vector math in 2D and 3D like direction angles (dot) and projection.
Node Name Description
Add Add two values together. This includes Strings!
Approximately Gives true if two values are equal to either other, give or take epsilon.
Approximately Not Gives true if two values are not equal to either other, give or take epsilon.
Conditional Also known as a Ternary Operator, this allows switching between any A, B using boolean C.
Distance Gives the absolute distance between two values. Is never negative.
Div Divide A by B.
Equals Gives true if two values match each other
Greater Or Equal Gives true if A is greater than or equal to B.
Greater Than Gives true if A is greater than B.
Is Infinity Gives true if the decimal number reads Infinity.
Is NaN Gives true if the decimal number reads NaN (Not a number).
Is Null Gives true if the reference is non existent.
Less Or Equal Gives true if A is less than or equal to B.
Less Than Gives true if A is less than B.
Mask Allows you to replace values in a pack with another pack (Ex: zero out x,y in an x,y,z)
Mul Multiply A and B together.
Multi Null Coalesce Gives the first non null value of all the inputs, or null if all are null.
Not Equals Gives true if two values don't match each other
Not Null Gives true if the reference exists.
Null Coalesce Gives the first non null value of both inputs, or null if both are null.
Sub Subtract B from A.
Value Add Multi Adds all inputs.
Value Cube Raises input to the power of 3.
Value Dec Decreases input by 1.
Value Div Multi Divides from the first value given onwards.
Value Filter Invalid Replaces input if Infinity or NaN with provided replacement.
Value Inc Increases input by 1.
Value Mod Divides A by B, and gives the remainder (Ex: 10 mod 3 is 1). Useful for looping values.
Value Mul Multi Multiplies all inputs with each other.
Value Negate Multiplies the input with -1.
Value One Minus Minuses the input from 1. (Ex: 1-x)
Value Plus Minus Takes a value A, adds and minuses B from A, and outputs both as two different results.
Value Reciprocal Divides 1 by input. (Ex: 1/x)
Value Square Raises input to the power of 2.
Value Sub Multi Subtracts from the first value given onwards.
Zero One Converts a bool value into a 0 or 1 value, depending on whether the input is true or false.