- This world is made by the community.
ResoLand is a world by Team Resoland for MMC 2024
The world can be accessed by:resrec:///U-SHaruya/R-99723935-d4ac-411c-9203-a65ca733e5b4
The world features a small playroom with a childlike atmosphere and pallette used for its interior design.
The world also have several creations made with Resoland Blocks. The Resoland Blocks are recreation of Lego bricks. This allows for the player to create anything they can imagine similarly to building with Lego.
World Content
The world provides a guide and 2 tools into order to help players create their Resoblock creations.
ResoBlock Set:resrec:///U-1Pdz1iFUVU0/R-6d676df5-0d52-41e2-98a9-fa32c3807fac
ResoBlockTool (Desktop):resrec:///U-1Pdz1iFUVU0/R-a9f44a0c-3538-4ec3-9371-4d3f6579ef5c