
From Resonite Wiki
Revision as of 09:50, 20 August 2024 by Modimobeikete (talk | contribs) (Created page with "为你的账户添加一个额外的电子邮件地址,通常用于协助绑定Patreon账户。")






  • 你的Resonite账户使用的电子邮件地址
  • 你的Patreon账户使用的电子邮件。
  • 不需要 一个Wiki账号




指令 例子 介绍
/setPrimaryEmail <邮箱地址> /setPrimaryEmail MyEmail@gmail.com 更改与账户关联的主电子邮件地址。
/addAlternateEmail <邮箱地址> /addAlternateEmail MyOtherEmail@gmail.com 为你的账户添加一个额外的电子邮件地址,通常用于协助绑定Patreon账户。
/requestAccountDeletion /requestAccountDeletion Requests that your Resonite account be deleted. It will take 7 days for the deletion to complete and you will receive warnings to both your account and primary email that allow you to cancel the process.

In both cases, you'll receive an email asking you to confirm the change. Please make sure that you're double checking your spam folder.

Once you've got your emails all setup, the link should occur within a few hours.


Setting Primary Email

You have a user account that's a Patron but it does not have benefits.

  • Your Resonite account's primary email is: oldemail@gmail.com
  • Your Patreon account's email is: newemail@gmail.com

You can use /setPrimaryEmail newemail@gmail.com to change your Resonite account's email to newemail@gmail.com.

Adding an alternative Email

You have a user account that's a Patron but it does not have benefits.

  • Your Resonite account's primary email is: resonite@gmail.com
  • Your Patreon account's email is: patreon@gmail.com

In this case, you don't want to change the primary email of the account because you like Resonite emails going to a particular address.

You can use /addalternateemail patreon@gmail.com to add the email to your account.

Moving your primary email to another account.

You have a Resonite account, who's primary/patreon email address you wish to move to another account.

  • Your Patreon/Primary email is: correct@resonite.com.
  • This email is stuck on the user account with the username: Incorrect Account.
  • You have another account that has the username: Correct Account

In this case you can follow the following order of operations to shuffle things around.

  1. Log into the Incorrect Account.
  2. Set the primary email for this account to something that is not correct@resonite.com using the /setprimaryemail command.
  3. Log out of the Incorrect Account.
  4. Log into the Correct Account.
  5. Set the primary email for this account to the correct email using the /setprimaryemail command.

Further Help

If you've read the above and still need further help, please open a support ticket.

See Also