Value Type

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Revision as of 04:03, 21 August 2024 by Yosh (talk | contribs) (see also)

A Value Type is a delegation of types within the FrooxEngine Data Model and ProtoFlux. In contrast to Reference Types, fields containing a value type store the value directly, rather than a reference to the value.

For a list of all value types in game, refer to Category:Value Types.

In FrooxEngine

It's simple to tell whether a certain type is a value type or not within FrooxEngine. In the Scene Inspector, fields holding a value type are easily identifiable by the ability to directly edit the value within them, rather than needing to drag in a reference to the type. A ValueField component is able to hold any FrooxEngine value type, which can be used as a quick reference to tell what is what.

In ProtoFlux

In ProtoFlux, in short, if a type can be classified as an unmanaged type in C#, it is recognized as a value type. Otherwise, it is an Object Type.

To expand on the definition, in ProtoFlux, an unmanaged type, or value type, must either (criteria not useful to Resonite excluded):

  • Be one of sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, double, decimal, or bool.
  • Be an Enum type.
  • Be defined as a non-nullable struct internally that only contains other value types.

This discrepency between the definition of a value type in FrooxEngine and in ProtoFlux can cause some confusion. For example, a string is a value type in FrooxEngine, but an object type in ProtoFlux. This is also the case with nullable types.

See Also