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Enums (short for enumerated types) are value types that define a list of named constants. These constant names are mapped to underlying integer values.

As a general example, a simple enum might be the days of the week:

Name Value Description
Monday 0 The first day of the week.
Tuesday 1 The second day of the week.
Wednesday 2 The third day of the week.
Thursday 3 The fourth day of the week.
Friday 4 The fifth day of the week.
Saturday 5 The sixth day of the week.
Sunday 6 The seventh day of the week.

Enums are commonly used in Resonite to select between different sets of behavior on components or in ProtoFlux. In an inspector, enums are shown by their name along with the ability to switch between the defined values.


In the Tween Node, there is an input called CurvePreset which defines the type of Curve a Tween operation follows. By altering this Enum, you can change usually how smooth a Tween operation is.

In ProtoFlux

ProtoFlux has nodes for working with enum values, such as converting between names and numeric values.


Enums may have multiple different names for the same value (example: SessionAccessLevel)

See Also

Pages in category "Enums"

The following 161 pages are in this category, out of 161 total.