Glass snapper standard

From Resonite Wiki
Revision as of 07:18, 5 September 2024 by J4 (talk | contribs) (rewrite page)

When creating a Resonite avatar, users might want to add some sort of eye-wear to their avatar or model to either impress their friends or just to provide some aesthetic to their model/avatar.

You'll hear about things such as "glasses snapper" and run into "nicknames" (usually for the snapper keyword whitelist on SnapTarget and Snapper) such as:

  • virgil
  • glass or glasses
  • eyewear

Players might run into other players that have glasses snappers but don't contain either the right keyword, have the keyword but don't have the position/rotation/scale correct or just straight up don't even have one on their model.

That's why having a community-made standard for a glasses snapper keyword is good, because it would allow you to share your glasses with friends and make new ones to share with the community!

When creating a snapper for glasses, users should follow steps to create something that can stick with the "new" format as so:

  • Create a snapper on the bridge of the nose on the avatar
  • Have the keyword Glasses Snapper or glasses to indicate that the snapper is for eyewear
  • Scale the snapper only instead of the glasses to not warp the glasses when sharing.

However, when creating glasses for people to use with this "new" format, you can instead:

  • Create the snapper so that it rests on the bridge of the glasses down the center
  • Scale the model to something that fits with what most people would wear, roughly a scale of a (create-new/box/set scale of box to 0.5) as a reference for the size of the glasses.

These notes here are only for people who want to work on improving a community-made standard of snappers and eyewear in general.