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Component image 
SnapTarget component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The SnapTarget component allows a slot with a Snapper Component to attach to this slot.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
SnapperWhitelist list of Snapper List of Snappers that are allowed to attach to this component
SnapperKeywordWhitelist direct SyncFieldList`1<String> List of keywords to match against a corresponding Snapper
Filters list of SnapperFilter This article or section is a Stub. You can help the Resonite Wiki by expanding it.
DirectSnapOnly Bool Unused
MaximumSnapDistance Float The maximum distance the Snapper can snap with the Target. This value drives the SphereCollider radius
MaximumAngleDeviation Float This article or section is a Stub. You can help the Resonite Wiki by expanding it.
AnimationTime Float The time it takes for the Snapper to lerp to the Target
AutoSnap Bool This article or section is a Stub. You can help the Resonite Wiki by expanding it.
_snapColliderRadius field drive of Float The radius drive reference of the SphereCollider
proxySphere SphereCollider Reference of the SphereCollider that is added on adding the SnapTarget to a slot


Allows the slot containing this component to receive slots that contain a Snapper component, the Snapper slot will enter the hierarchy of the SnapTarget slot and get positioned to the center. The SnapperWhitelist allows you to reference specific snappers that you want to allow to link with the SnapTarget. The SnapperKeywordWhitelist allows Snappers with the same keyword to link with the SnapTarget.


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