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Component image 
Cloud Value Field`1 component as seen in the Scene Inspector

For more info on how Cloud Variables work in general, see Cloud Variables.

This updates as fast as reading/writing cloud variables permits. All the restrictions that apply to cloud variables apply to this component, including permissions and world contexts.

This component constantly writes the contents of the field specified by Target to the value of the specified cloud variable.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
Path String The cloud variable path to read from, this needs to start with a UserID.
IsLinkedToCloud Bool Whether the variable exists or not.
VariableOwnerId String The UserID of the user that created the variable.
ChangeHandling CloudVariableChangeMode See Cloud Variable Change Mode.
Target IField<float> The field which to change the contents of to the value of the cloud variable.


Put this component on a slot, and give it a valid cloud variable Path and VariableOwnerId. For how to get a valid path and id, see Cloud Variables. when given a Target, the contents of the field given to Target will auto update with the cloud variable value.


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