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Component image 
Dynamic Bone Chain component as seen in the Scene Inspector

Dynamic Bone Chain is a component that allows you to add rigidbody physics to the bones of a rigged model or avatar. Bones with rigidbody physics are called dynamic bones; this name is derived from a Unity asset that offers similar functionality.

To add dynamic bones to a model, navigate through the model's armature in the Inspector until you locate the bone you want to use as the "root" or "master" bone. Then, attach the Dynamic Bone Chain component, and click Setup From Children. This will add the root bone and all its children to the dynamic bone chain.

The Dynamic Bone Chain component contains various properties for adjusting the physical behavior of the bone chain. The most important properties in the component are Inertia, InertiaForce, Damping, Elasticity, and Stiffness. The descriptions of each are listed below:


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
Inertia Float Controls the amount of inertia a bone experiences. Does not affect acceleration of bones.
InertiaForce Float Controls the amount of inertia a bone experiences. Does affect acceleration of bones.
Damping Float Controls the amount of damping a bone experiences. A high damping value will cause bones to decelerate quickly.
Elasticity Float Controls the elasticity of bone joints. A high elasticity value will cause bones to accelerate toward their starting rotation more quickly.
Stiffness Float Controls the stiffness of bone joints.
SimulateTerminalBones Bool Whether or not to use the last bone in the chain. If your armature has end bones that do not control anything, you probably want this off.
BaseBoneRadius Float The default size of the sphere that allows a bone to be interacted with.
DynamicPlayerCollision Bool Whether or not to allow this bone chain to collide with players.
CollideWithOwnBody Bool Whether or not to allow this bone chain to collide with the active user of the dynamic bone chain.
HandCollisionVibration VibratePreset The vibration intensity when touching the chain colliders with a hand.
CollideWithHead Bool Whether or not to allow this bone chain to collide with player heads.
CollideWithBody Bool Whether or not to allow this bone chain to collide with player body parts.
CollideWithLeftHand Bool Whether or not to allow this bone chain to collide with a player's left hand.
CollideWithRightHand Bool Whether or not to allow this bone chain to collide with a player's right hand.
Gravity Float3 A force like gravity in global space that should be applied to the bone chain at all times.
GravitySpace direct RootSpace
UseUserGravityDirection Bool Whether or not to use the active user of the dynamic bone chain's character controller gravity for the gravity direction
LocalForce Float3
GlobalStretch Float How stretched out the bone chain should be at rest.
MaxStretchRatio Float The maximum amount of stretching that can be caused by pulling on the bones.
CurrentStretchRatio raw output of Float The current amount of stretching applied to the bones.
StretchRestoreSpeed Float How quickly extra stretching dissipates.
UseLocalUserSpace Bool Whether or not to make the dynamic bone only respond to movements generated from the user slot's local position changing.
SimulationSpace direct RootSpace
StaticColliders list of IDynamicBoneCollider A list of dynamic bone collider components to be used.
VisualizeColliders Bool Causes all bone colliders colliding with this bone to be displayed.
VisualizeBones Bool Causes the bones, their colliders, and the connections between them to be displayed.
IsGrabbable Bool Allows you to grab bones by touching them and grabbing. Requires DynamicPlayerCollision to be checked.
ActiveUserRootOnly Bool Allows the active user of the dynamic bone chain to be the only user that can grab it.
AllowSteal Bool Whether or not a second user can grab the chain while someone is holding it.
GrabPriority Int Determines what gets grabbed if several grabbable objects are touching someone's grab sphere. The IGrabbable with the highest priority will be grabbed first. If the highest priority ties with another IGrabbable, it will grab both of those and ignore any lower priority IGrabbables.
IgnoreGrabOnFirstBone Bool Prevents EffectorBoneIndex from being 0 while being grabbed.
GrabRadiusTolerance Float
GrabReleaseDistance Float How far a bone can be dragged before it automatically releases.
GrabSlipping Bool Whether or not to make the EffectorBoneIndex increase as the hand moves along the bone chain away from the first bone in the chain. Does not let EffectorBoneIndex decrease unless re-grabbed.
GrabTerminalBones Bool Whether or not the final bone in the chain can be grabbed.
GrabVibration VibratePreset The vibration intensity when grabbing the chain with a hand.
IgnoreOwnLeftHand Bool Whether or not to allow this bone chain to be grabbed with the left hand of the active user of the dynamic bone chain.
IgnoreOwnRightHand Bool Whether or not to allow this bone chain to be grabbed with the right hand of the active user of the dynamic bone chain.
EffectorTarget Slot The chain tries to position one if its bones at this slot (used for grabbing)
EffectorBoneIndex Int Which bone is being positioned, every other bone after this acts as if it is not being grabbed
EffectorBoneOffset Float3
_activeGrabber Grabber The grabber component that is grabbing this bone chain currently
Bones list of Bone

Special Functions

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  • this needs the buttons on the Dynamic Bone Component image and the descriptions of what they do.
Custom UI Elements
Name Description
Settup Children (Rig Only) sets up child bones as dynamic bones for this component. Ignores all slots except for one's epecified in a Rig component on a slot that is a parent to the slot this dynamic bone component is on.



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