Value type

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A value type is a delegation of types within the FrooxEngine Data Model and ProtoFlux. In contrast to Reference Types, fields containing a value type store the value directly, rather than a reference to the value.

For a list of all value types in game, refer to Category:Value Types.

In FrooxEngine

What types are defined as value types in FrooxEngine are managed through a complicated autogenerated class called Coder<T>. As such, it is much better to refer to Category:Value Types for determining what is a value type in FrooxEngine. Overall, though, all FrooxEngine value types share the property that they do not implement the Type:IWorldElement interface, unlike reference types.

In a Scene Inspector, fields holding a value type are easily identifiable by the ability to directly edit the value within them, rather than needing to drag in a reference to the type.

A ValueField component is only able to be created for types that are FrooxEngine value types, so one can enter the type name while attaching the component to test whether it is a value type or not.

In ProtoFlux

In ProtoFlux, in short, if a type can be classified as an unmanaged type in C#, it is recognized as a value type. Otherwise, it is an Object Type. This makes ProtoFlux's type categorization a direct interface to C#'s type categorization.

To expand on the definition, in ProtoFlux, an unmanaged type, or value type, must either (criteria not useful to Resonite excluded):

This discrepency between the definition of a value type in FrooxEngine and in ProtoFlux can cause some confusion. For example, a string is a value type in FrooxEngine, but an object type in ProtoFlux. This means you would use a ValueField<string> to store a string on a slot, but an ObjectWrite<string> to write to the value within ProtoFlux. This is also the case with nullable types.

All in all, every value type in ProtoFlux is also a value type in FrooxEngine, but not every value type in FrooxEngine is a value type in ProtoFlux.

See Also