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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
01:54, 16 August 2024 Dynamic Variable Example Internal System.webp (file) 378 KB An example of dynamic variables in a contained system, wherein utilizing nodes like ProtoFlux:Dynamic Variable Input is preferred. The actual flux is just some random writes to variables. 1
22:57, 15 August 2024 Inspector With ValueField And ReferenceField.webp (file) 43 KB A minified inspector with a Component:ValueField<int> and Component:ReferenceField<Slot>. 1
01:07, 14 August 2024 ProtoFlux Example Field As Variable Writing.webp (file) 190 KB An example of ProtoFlux:Field As Variable, wherein two Component:ValueFields are conditionally written two. Both setups are identical, however the one writing to the Field As Variable node itself is more performant under certain conditions. 1
21:05, 4 July 2024 ProtoFlux Example Different Ways of Writes.webp (file) 161 KB An example showing a few different ways of writing to a Component:ValueField, such as an ProtoFlux:Indirect Write in conjunction with a ProtoFlux:Reference To Output, an Indirect Write in conjunction with a ProtoFlux:Field As Variable, and a ProtoFlux:Write. 1
02:37, 3 July 2024 ProtoFlux Visuals Source Display.webp (file) 52 KB ProtoFlux:Source nodes being outputted to ProtoFlux:Display nodes. 1
21:28, 30 June 2024 ProtoFlux Example Ray To Line Intersection Edge Cases.webp (file) 61 KB Examples of ProtoFlux:Ray To Line Intersection, focused on edge cases such as the ray lying on the line segment, the ray's origin lying on the line segment, and the ray intersecting outside the line segment. 1
21:08, 30 June 2024 ProtoFlux Example Ray To Line Intersection.webp (file) 73 KB An example of ProtoFlux:Ray To Line Intersection.webp with an accompanied graphical view. 1
19:21, 30 June 2024 ProtoFlux Example Ray Rectangle Intersection.webp (file) 62 KB An example of ProtoFlux:Ray Rectangle Intersection, along with an illustration of the intersection with Desmos. 1
08:46, 30 June 2024 Protoflux Example Point On Circle.webp (file) 62 KB Examples of ProtoFlux:Point On Circle. 1
07:40, 30 June 2024 Ref Hacking Iteration Checks.webp (file) 248 KB better on a black background 2
23:52, 29 June 2024 ProtoFlux Example Line Circle Intersections.webp (file) 41 KB An example of ProtoFlux:Line Circle Intersections. 1
19:11, 29 June 2024 ProtoFlux visuals Object Cast.png (file) 5 KB An object cast from Type:IWorldElement to [[Type:IField<int>|]]. 1
19:47, 6 June 2024 Protoflux example repeat 01.webp (file) 36 KB Examples of the ProtoFlux:Repeat 01 ProtoFlux node. 1
06:22, 5 June 2024 Ref hacking offset calculator.webp (file) 339 KB A simple offset calculator setup for Ref Hacking. The first offset difference between the Component:ValueField and its <code>Value</code> is used for the second ValueField and its <code>Value</code>, resulting in the 2nd ValueField's Type:Sync<int> being returned as an Type:IWorldElement. This will be the same offset for all ValueFields in a session. 1
04:19, 22 May 2024 Ref hacking core setup.webp (file) 222 KB The core setup for reference hacking. 1
01:06, 28 February 2024 Tutorial 2D viseme valuegradientdriver.webp (file) 84 KB version that has more accurate slot names if someone was following the tutorial 2
20:43, 20 February 2024 Protoflux example Get Character Substring.webp (file) 28 KB Examples of the Get Character and Substring ProtoFlux nodes. 1
20:28, 20 February 2024 Protoflux example From UTF32 To UTF32.webp (file) 45 KB Examples of the From UTF32 and To UTF32 ProtoFlux nodes, showcasing valid Unicode ranges as well as indexing using To UTF32. 1
18:59, 20 February 2024 Protoflux example From UTF16.webp (file) 22 KB Examples of the From UTF16 ProtoFlux Node, showing a BMP chinese character, an ASCII 7 character, and showcasing how it "wraps around" at 0xFFFF 1
17:51, 20 February 2024 Protoflux example Concatenate Chars.webp (file) 25 KB An example of the Concatenate Chars ProtoFlux node, used in random with Random Int and ProtoFlux:From UTF16 to make a random string. 1
17:37, 20 February 2024 Protoflux example Char To String.webp (file) 22 KB An example of the [[ProtoFlux:Char To String|Char To String ProtoFlux node], where a 7 is converting to a string then attached to a space character and "Drunken Sailors", resulting in "7 Drunken Sailors" 1
18:42, 17 February 2024 Component example ValueGradientDriver.webm (file) 433 KB trim start oops 2
18:03, 17 February 2024 Component example ValueGradientDriver IndexOfMax.webp (file) 18 KB An unorthodox yet valid example of the ValueGradientDriver Component, wherein <code>Progress</code> is fixed at 1 and each point has an integer <code>Value</code> that matches its index. If each point's <code>Position</code> is driven by something else, this is a method of finding the index of the maximum value in a list of floats, which may be used for systems such as 2d texture viseme driving. 1
17:44, 17 February 2024 Component example ValueGradientDriver.mp4 (file) 762 KB An example of the ValueGradientDriver Component, wherein five points are first interpolated between as <code>Progress</code> moves, then set without interpolation as <code>Progress</code> moves. 1
02:16, 15 January 2024 Protoflux example clamp 01.webp (file) 23 KB Four examples of the Clamp 01 (ProtoFlux Node) ProtoFlux node. From top to bottom: # 0.36 outputs 0.36 # -2.3 outputs 0 # 12.52 outputs 1 # A ColorX Input with values -10, 0.6, 13.4, and 1 outputs a ColorX with values 0, 0.6, 13.4, and 1. 1
01:53, 15 January 2024 Protoflux example avg.webp (file) 87 KB Top: An example of the Avg ProtoFlux node. Bottom: An example of the Avg Multi ProtoFlux node. 1
19:37, 13 January 2024 Protoflux example to string 2.webp (file) 53 KB Four examples of To String (ProtoFlux Node) that focuses on how objects are converted to strings, mainly from local user. From top to bottom: # A user connected directly into the node. This displays "User: avali" # The user's primary hand connected to the node. This displays "Right" # The time offset of the user connected to the node. This displays "-05:00:00" # The user platform connected to the node. This displays "Linux" 1
08:39, 13 January 2024 Protoflux example to string.webp (file) 61 KB An example of To String (ProtoFlux Node). There are four examples. From top to bottom: 1. A float3 input with the format string "N2". This format string adds separators for numbers and prints the result to 2 decimal places. 2. A bool2 input of false and true without any format string. This results in the string "[False; True]" 3. An int input with the format string "X". This format string simply displays the integer as a hex string. 4. A ColorX input with the format string "P0". This for... 1