
From Resonite Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Badges and the translation is 36% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.




对于管理员事项和Resonite团队的话,请仔细检查无法编辑的面板菜单中的会话菜单。它将确认用户是否确实是 管理员 或 Resonite 团队成员。




徽章图像 徽章名字 意思 Asset URL
黄星 主机 拥有此徽章的用户是当前会话的主机用户。你在主持会话时将拥有此徽章。 resdb:///cef8313f2418512a52c718a505c8882684dfa6556bdf2af1da655d3e6a0f878e.png
Small yellow diamond-like shape Supporter 拥有此徽章的用户是 Patreon 上的Resonite Patrons resdb:///ef12d18cf37c0255ccae7ca1bf8d2856ed2d9d10f364ffd33cf1782a3143f0fc.png
卡通火花 2018年的火花 拥有此徽章的用户于2018年注册。 resdb:///63ba2228a4d09cf615f18cf483966f4e3c13f1960f5c7f52e8d3789cad45233d.png
卡通火花 2019年的火花 拥有此徽章的用户于2019年注册。 resdb:///81b014eba11b630c2e0b30baa511e9cf8bc52954bd0b67f6293c8609346f11e2.png
卡通篝火 2020年的篝火 拥有此徽章的用户于2020年注册。 resdb:///f9e0c8fb51252f33be0b8d3349c637f1b49b32be30a9b7c7fd691de460786939.png
卡通法棍上的小蜡烛 法棍 面包日快乐 此徽章将在用户注册Resonite后的周年纪念日显示。如果你的账户已经迁移,你将获得第二个 “面包日”! resdb:///ce37aa41210d5c0079d652f77dedc12082a93f8faefb9e82b1c97d98de953c7a.png
黄色的榴莲果,有四个三角形。 Durian测试人员 授予Durian测试人员的徽章。 resdb:///1c62e8c224af005c9293bc636dd3e93e8f6d2aba202287cf40cbcfe1259129d4.png

Live Badge

Resonite has a "Live" badge that is displayed when Resonite detects that you are live. For more information on it see Badges/Live.

Resonite团队 / 社区团队徽章

徽章图像 徽章名字 意思 Asset URL
Resonite Logo 团队 拥有此徽章的用户属于Resonite团队 resdb:///da11582c477cfd9afd957268c72961cca4130f64bea8440e381840425c898078.png
蓝色盾牌 管理员 拥有此徽章的用户属于管理员 resdb:///43b2368b3779c9413d24ba77ec9a9e00fce4d16e021e386941cde3247bdd1aa5.png
绿色灯泡 导师 拥有此徽章的用户是 志愿 导师,欢迎随时向他们提问。 resdb:///b765be132f8ddce120665b531ce8874fd2034529103ca72b0de9dfa896dfc9fc.png
蓝色的HTC logo HTC 大使 拥有此徽章的用户是HTC大使计划的志愿者。 resdb:///f92c0a3e31882b8075081dfa2d0f4d3403b89422ccebf75acaf6cb8947f51175.png



徽章图像 徽章名字 添加指令 移除指令 意思 Asset URL
卡通土豆 土豆 /addPotato /removePotato 拥有此徽章的用户拥有旧电脑或“土豆”电脑。 resdb:///9e2df387f7ab288486d5abd8ebb760d87872227a47779c897593c263f27b1f8e.png



徽章图像 徽章名字 添加指令 移除指令 意思 Asset URL
交叉的耳朵 听力障碍 /addHearingImpaired /removeHearingImpaired 该用户是聋人或者听力困难。 resdb:///b079a1bc258fd2bf2e56eefd88a0a1af04c47fe3dfed090fedfe04da523cab42.png
Eye divided into two colors Color Blind /addColorBlind /removeColorBlind This user has color vision deficiency. resdb:///b079a1bc258fd2bf2e56eefd88a0a1af04c47fe3dfed090fedfe04da523cab42.png
Crossed mouth Speech Impaired /addMute /removeMute This user is unable to speak or has difficulties speaking. resdb:///89dcd8ab20fe52f799309e01b4a64a4f055bb864dd68ae52bce4382c0d1ea3b7.png
Crossed eye Vision Impaired /addVisuallyImpaired /removeVisuallyImpaired This user has issues with vision. resdb:///b4e2da97dd3ccc2d49da3bb3adbb7f3fe575d133537dce5aea931e7a75c25926.png

Competition Badges

These badges were given out as a part of various platform-wide Competitions.

Event Badges

Badges given during special events held within Resonite such as virtual conventions.

Badge Image Badge Name Meaning Asset URL
Blue paw with a black text saying "VBLFC" VBLFC Badge that was originally given to event staff only during VBLFC, It later was given to all registered users who attended the convention in July 2021 resdb:///a3a9380f5e4b97b686dbc64e30fd7eae6ff325eb00eba785c1646df5d451431f.png
White paw with three color stripes with the text "FE2022" VFE 2022 Virtual Furnal Equinox (VFE) badge that was given to event staff, volunteers, and to all registered users that attended the con on March 2022 resdb:///d9654f19b527972427b4793fdfbad8abb680a1f159dd2e80ce1b35cf27590237.png
Blue bannere with a text saying "Festa 3 plus" Festa 3 Badge given to the ambassador of the Festa 3 event resdb:///8f329d39f0f6c4778afe7dd1f2c85461cfd0c57a79ebdbe648cfb5de797261b1.png
Blue text saying "Festa 3" Festa 3 Participant Badge given to all users who submitted entries as part of Festa 3 resdb:///db19e650645cc15516a4e95f02253e3aefd7bd2a9ffeb838d95a08d9eb4334f1.png
Stylized 4 character with a blue dragon coming out of it Festa 4 Badge given to the ambassador of the Festa 4 event resdb:///23f645e2084a43d7c96fb1fd7cb9f732faa66baa703ac128f3796c974e3f5bb8.png
Stylized 4 character with a cyan dragon coming out of it Festa 4 Participant Badge given to all users who submitted entries as part of Festa 4 resdb:///b3e14476da9ee56a2bfd618e3281b7314999797ba654eabb0588852ee1ef04aa.png
A stylized chalice with a sea urchin in front and the word "IDEA" at the bottom. UniFesta Idea Participant Badge given to all users who submitted entries to UniPocket as part of UniFesta Idea. resdb:///fa88adba5c5c3910052ec801852ed56138ac606b45e66a5f4f51a02af032166e.png

Platform-Specific Badges

Badges assigned based on the user's operating system.

Badge Image Badge Name Meaning Asset URL
Linux logo Linux This badge is shown when the user is running Resonite on Linux resdb:///0a1ffbeb7be0b7378dd22e9e03696d826a2a19441aba7a2f541fa46a634726bc.png
A server Headless This badge is shown when the user is running Resonite in Headless Server mode resdb:///e5d5db2a15934fe398f4ec00cd570a0a0266b62b6bf7b462593712865471c902.png
A mobile phone Mobile This badge is shown when the user is running Resonite on Android resdb:///8d5159ddf47538624b3e39c820607da8af81ac962db2a8898cbc7204f2cd91e0.png

Mysterious Fruit Badges


Badge Image Badge Name Meaning Asset URL
Cartoony orange Orange A mysterious badge from a different era. resdb:///41edf1b639bca50aac0e43e7d3cc2633e40db797138a72cc1544f353f11e0875.png
Cartoony blueberry Blueberry Note that blueberries grow under very different conditions from oranges. resdb:///db910f986cbcf1d8fa8f427b473aa1a7bf1714742337103097f4653132e27d2f.png
Cartoony mango Mango It is advised to not wait too long before eating it, otherwise it'll get mushy resdb:///8af55726928b476ee12dbee7a9aea361d3c64487914c1298b5a47bad46461f29.png

April Fool's day will also add bunch of crazy Fruit Badges!

Volunteering Badges

Badge Image Badge Name Meaning Asset URL
Red speech bubble with a planet icon inside. Translator Awarded to the members of the community that contributed to the translations. resdb:///76152d6d2f7e125620ae7138c66a8d0408ebed45580bea727c6a673b325f2311.png

Retired badges

The following badges were in Resonite in the past but were removed at some point. It is not possible to obtain them.

Badge Image Badge Name Meaning Asset URL
红色的Patreon Logo Patreon支持者 Old badge for people supporting Resonite on Patreon. resdb:///1489377b6ab624f50ff7aa1a8651ead76c85792dc395f8bca1e2d3459bdb6c76.png

Custom Badges

Users at certain Patreon tiers can request custom badges. There is no way to list all of these custom badges as there are a lot. So if you don't recognize a badge, it may be one of these.

Picture / Icon Badge

At the $10 Patreon tier and above, you may request a custom Picture / Icon badge by messaging the Resonite Bot.

Custom Icon Badges are subject to the following limits:

3D Badge

At the $20 Patreon tier and above, you may request a custom 3D model badge by messaging the Resonite Bot.

Custom 3D Badges are subject to the following limits:

  • 100 triangles or less.
  • Can only be a Static Mesh.
  • 1 Texture, 128x128px or less in size.
  • Can use Bilinear or Point Filtering.
  • 1 Material or less.
  • Most materials are acceptable, except those which use grab passes (filters, refraction, etc.).
  • Materials should not be excessively bright.
  • Can use simple whitelisted components, such as a spinner or wobbler.
  • Should be content that you have the right to use.
  • Must follow the Resonite Content Guidelines for Public sessions.
  • Cannot contain any ProtoFlux or complex components.

Upon upload, components that aren't whitelisted are deleted.

Injected Badges


Users can inject custom badges to their nameplates using the following tool(s):

Custom badge collections

Some users made collections of custom badges which you can use and add freely to your own injected badges.

Those collections include:

Common Questions

Do Groups get badges?


Is it against the rules to inject badges into my nameplate?

No, but it is against the rules to impersonate: Mentors, Moderators, or Resonite Team Members by using their badges.