Beta 2023.11.11.1231

From Resonite Wiki

Beta 2023.11.11.1231 is a Resonite version released on 2023/11/11.

The following notes were sent by Frooxius:

A bunch of small additions and bugfixes. You can now override materials in rendering contexsts, we support HTTP proxies, have Discord integration there's some new nodes and inspector options. Sorry that there's not more for past few days, writing up the issues and everything took a good chunk of time away from working on the build itself.

New features:

  • Add RenderMaterialOverride component, which allows overriding materials on MeshRenderer depending on the view context
    • This component can be more desirable to use with SkinnedMeshRenderer in particular for now, as it does not require forced recalculation of matrices, which currently has some stability issues and additional performance cost
  • Added support for HTTP proxies through configuration file (implemented by @geenz)
    • This can be done by adding proxy entry to the Config.json file, which has following subentries:
      • autoDetect - whether to autodetect proxy settings (default false)
      • localBypass - local bypass on local domains (default true)
      • bypassDomains - list of domains to bypass
      • address - HTTP/S proxy to use for all web requests
      • credentialStore - source for proxy server credentials. Can be DefaultSystemCache, NetworkCache or UsernamePassword
      • username and password for the credentials
  • Added UpdatesTimer node, which fires update every n updates (requested by @azavit, issue #334)
    • Note that the rate of updates is variable and will change depending on framerate!)
  • Add ValueFieldProxySource<T> component, which allows UI grabbing value from a referenced field
  • Add extras button to the fields in the inspector
    • Grabbing this button allows to pick the field's full value (requested by @art0007i, issue #558)
    • Cliking the extras button will provide additional options:
      • Break/Open Link/Drive for fields that are driven (requested by a number of people in the past, but I could not find any active issue)
      • Reset to default - resets the field value to default
      • Set all to average/x/y/z/w - for vector types, this allows setting all elements to particular value
  • Re-added Discord Rich presence support (implemented by @probableprime)


  • Dropping values onto fields into inspectors is now udoable (requested by @ohzee, issue #555)
  • Resolving types is no longer case sensitive
    • This makes "slot" work instead of just specifically "Slot" (based on request by @code807, issue #620)
  • Nodes will now spawn with 1.0 scale instead of 1.25. The scale of the visual has been increased by 1.25 to compensate (based on request by @art0007i, issue #575)


  • Merged Esperanto locale update by @jackalgirl7, RobertBaruch, @_deltawolf and behilam
  • Merged Japanese locale update by @.aesc
  • Merged English locale tweak by @enverex 1
  • Merged German locale tweak by @muppeq
  • Merged Korean locale update by @mirpasec


  • Fixed Twitter video URL's using the domain not importing (reported by a big cutie @glitchfur, issue #615)
  • Added explicit reference to TwitchLib packages for the headless to ensure proper versions of the libraries get copied
    • This odd crashes reported by @liny_fox, @zahndy, @readun, @raithsphere, issue #592
  • Fixed crash when writing local reference target to non-local reference (based on report by @orange3134, issue #595)
  • Fixed crash due to bobool3ol dispay (reported by @art0007i, issue #588)