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Component image 
Camera component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The component represents a Unity Camera which is centered on the slot and facing in the forward (+z) Direction.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
DoubleBuffered Bool Determines if DoubleBuffering is applied or not.
ForwardOnly Bool Determine whether the render technique is only forward.
Projection CameraProjection Determines whether it's perspective or orthographic
OrthographicSize Float The size of the render-output in orthographic view. (Only active when Projection is set to Orthographic
FieldOfView Float The size of the render-output in perspective view. (Only active when Projection is set to Perspective
NearClipping Float The point in units where the camera ignores near objects.
FarClipping Float The point in units where the camera ignores far objects.
UseTransformScale Bool Determines if the scale of the camera should be taken into account.
Clear CameraClearMode See Camera Clear Mode for what this does.
ClearColor ColorX If CameraClearMode is set to Color.
Viewport Rect 2D rectangular where the camera is allowed to render
Depth Float Whether this camera should be rendered before or after other cameras render.
RenderTexture RenderTexture The RenderTextureProvider input in order to get a ITexture2D
Postprocessing Bool Determines if post processing is allowed.
ScreenSpaceReflections Bool Determines if ScreenSpaceReflections are rendered.
MotionBlur Bool Determines if MotionBlur is rendered or not.
RenderShadows Bool Determines if shadows are rendered or not.
SelectiveRender direct AutoSyncRefList`1<Slot> A list of SyncReferences to slots the camera is allowed to render.
ExcludeRender direct AutoSyncRefList`1<Slot> A list of SyncReferences to slots the camera is NOT allowed to render.


Put the component onto a slot, and position the slot. The produced image can either be accesed through a RenderTextureProvider component or by creating a Texture2D asset using the Render To Texture Asset Protoflux node.


Security cameras, drones, picture takers, layered texture bakers, scanners, and more.

Related Components

Camera Portal (mirror)