
Category page
Category Summary
Characters Working with single letters or symbols.
Constants Values that never change like empty and new lines.
Formatting Formatting strings by inserting text into marker positions.
Localization Culture Variables.
Parsing Creating numbers/values from strings.
Node Name Description
Add Add is in this category to allow putting strings together.
Compare Strings Takes in 2 strings and compared them.
Concatenate Multi String Combines individual strings into one resulting string.
Contains If String Str contains String Substring.
Count Occurrences Counts the number of times the input string is found.
Empty String A constant that is a String with no content but not null.
Ends With Checks to see if a string ends with a string input.
Escape String Adds in "\" to a string (used for file and web paths).
Greater Or Equal String Compares 2 strings to see if the first string is greater or equal to the other.
Greater Than String Compares 2 strings to see if the first string is greater to the other.
Index Of String Gets the placement of where our index is found in a string value.
Is String Empty Single node for checking if provided String is equal to Empty String.
Less Or Equal String Compares 2 strings to see if the first string is less than or equal to the other.
Less Than String Compares 2 strings to see if the first string is less than the other.
Multiply String Makes provided String repeat provided X times.
Null String A String that equates to Null.
Replace First Substring Replaces the first found string match with your new string input.
Replace Substring Replaces all string matches with your new string input.
Reverse String Reverses the order of a string's characters.
Starts With Checks to see if a string starts with a string input.
String Insert Put provided String into other provided String at provided point X.
String Join Combines strings together with an optional separator.
String Length Returns number of characters in provided String.
String Remove Removes a string match with your provided string and index values.
Strip RTF Tags Removes Rich Text Format Tags from your string.
Substring Given a string input, it chops it into a smaller string with your provided values.
To String You can use this node for turning values into strings, even an object.
Trim String Gets rid of trailing and leading empty/invisible characters from provided string.
Unescape String Removes the "\" from your string.