
Category page
Node Name Description
Adder A binary adder node.
Boolean Counter Counts the amount of true and false values and the total booleans.
Compose Bits Byte Create a Byte out of Booleans bitwise.
Compose Bits Int Create a Int out of Booleans bitwise.
Compose Bits Long Create a Long out of Booleans bitwise.
Compose Bits SByte Create a SByte out of Booleans bitwise.
Compose Bits Short Create a Short out of Booleans bitwise.
Compose Bits UInt Create a UInt out of Booleans bitwise.
Compose Bits ULong Create a ULong out of Booleans bitwise.
Compose Bits UShort Create a UShort out of Booleans bitwise.
Double As ULong Converts a double to a ulong.
Extract Bits Byte Turn a Byte into Booleans bitwise.
Extract Bits Int Turn a Int into Booleans bitwise.
Extract Bits Long Turn a Long into Booleans bitwise.
Extract Bits SByte Turn a SByte into Booleans bitwise.
Extract Bits Short Turn a Short into Booleans bitwise.
Extract Bits UInt Turn a UInt into Booleans bitwise.
Extract Bits ULong Turn a ULong into Booleans bitwise.
Extract Bits UShort Turn a UShort into Booleans bitwise.
Float As UInt Converts a float to a uint.
Half Adder A binary half adder node.
Half As UShort Converts a half to a ushort.
UInt As Float Converts a unit to a float.
ULong As Double Converts a ulong to a double.
UShort As Half Converts a ushort to a half.