Command Line Arguments/Automatically join a session

From Resonite Wiki

Through this guide we'll setup a copy of Resonite that on Start:

  • Join a specified Session
  • Does not load the Cloud Home
  • Does not load the Tutorial

It can also optionally:

  • Disable the Dash/UI
  • Prevent the user from leaving the world.

Suitable uses

This setup is particularily useful for:

  • Conventions and Exhibitions
  • Presentations and Demos
  • Resonite created Games
  • Resonite created Tools
  • Meetings and Collaboration

Setting up

  1. Install Resonite as per usual on your target machine.
  2. Create a Shortcut to Resonite.exe as described in Command Line Arguments.
  3. Add the following Command Line Arguments to the Target field
    • These are presented one per line, but must be all on one single line at the end of Target for implementation.
    • -DoNotAutoLoadHome - Prevents the automatic loading of the Cloud Home.
    • -SkipIntroTutorial - Prevents the tutorial from running.
    • -Join <any valid session url> - Join the specified session.

Once done, launch Resonite using the Shortcut. You should see Resonite automatically open and join the selected session.

Locking it down further

If you want to keep the user in the selected session so they cannot leave, you'll need to lock it down further.

You can do this by adding some more Command Line Arguments:

  1. -Kiosk - Disables a lot of the UI
  2. -NoUI - Hides more UI, TODO: Prime is not sure if you need both!


When making use of this setup, it is recommended to use a Custom Session ID with a Headless Session so that the target session is always available and joinable.

See also