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Component image 
Avatar Creator component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The avatar creator component is the component that drives the functionality of the avatar creator object. See Avatar Creation for a much less technical page on this, and for information on how to actually use the avatar creator.
Name | Type | Description |
Bool | Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server. |
Int | Controls the order in which this component is updated. |
Bool | Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't. |
Slot | the headset point that marks the head proxy target slot position. |
Slot | the point that marks the left hand's target slot position. |
Slot | the point that marks the right hand's target slot position. |
Slot | the point that marks the foot's target slot position. |
Slot | the point that marks the right foot target slot position. |
Slot | the pelvis guide object that marks the pelvis proxy position. |
Slot | the headset guide that marks the headset proxy position (eyeballs/view position) |
Slot | the pelvis guide object that marks the pelvis proxy position. |
Slot | the left hand guide object that marks the left hand proxy. |
Slot | the right hand guide object that marks the right hand proxy. |
Slot | the left foot guide object. |
Slot | the right foot guide object. |
Bool | whether this avatar creator is ready to be used. |
Bool | whether to show the tool anchors on the hands. |
Bool | whether to enforce symmetry of the objects across the headset location during settup. |
Bool | Whether to set up a volume meter component on the avatar when the avatar is created. |
Bool | Whether to set up avatar protection components on the root and meshes of the avatar upon creation. |
Bool | Whether to set up the eye bones and eye manager upon avatar creation |
Bool | Whether to set up a face tracking component for the mesh with the most shapekey matches for visemes. |
Bool | Whether to show the feet calibration guide objects. |
Bool | whether to show the pelvis calibration guide object. |
Bool | Whether the user is allowed to protect. This is false if in local. |
Bool | Whether to enforce symmetry on the avatar when creating. |
list of AvatarCreator.Anchor | A list of Anchor that are the different parts for avatar markers the user can move when using this creator. |
Float | the scale of all the _anchors of this avatar creator.
field drive of Bool | The protect avatar checkbox button enabled field. The checkbox disables when in user space |
field drive of Bool | The field that controls the enabled state of the create avatar button. |
Sync Delegates
Method Name | Method type and Arguments. | Is the method hidden? | Description |
ButtonEventHandler | ✓ | See Avatar Creation. |
ButtonEventHandler | ✓ | See Avatar Creation. |
ButtonEventHandler | ✓ | See Avatar Creation. |
ButtonEventHandler | ✓ | See Avatar Creation. |
ButtonEventHandler | ✓ | See Avatar Creation. |
ButtonEventHandler | ✓ | See Avatar Creation. |
ButtonEventHandler | ✓ | See Avatar Creation. |
Name | Type | Description |
field drive of Float3 | The scale field of this guide object. |
string | The human readable name of this guide object. |
Bool | Whether this guide object is on the right side of the headset. (So is it a right or left hand for example?) |
slot | The root slot of this guide object. |
Slider | The slider that can be used to move this guide object around via grabbing. |
Used for creating avatars. You can spawn it from your Local Space if you have the Builder Role permission to spawn it.