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Component image 
AvatarManager component as seen in the Scene Inspector

For detailed information on how this functions for mix and match body parts. Please also see Equipping Multiple Avatars.

The AvatarManager component is found on User root slots and is used to manage avatars equipped to a particular user. It also keeps track of and sets the equipped parameters of Component:AvatarObjectSlots under an avatar, It manages the setting of fields on the Component:AvatarRoot and Component:AvatarGroup components.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
_objectGroups list of AvatarManager.EquippedGroup A list of objects currently equipped by the user as part of an avatar.
_currentAnchor direct LinkRef`1<AvatarAnchor> The anchor the user associated with this component is currently sitting in.
AutoAddNameBadge Bool Whether to auto add the name badge component if it doesn't exist on an avatar when equipping it. Usually managed by the world through the Component:CommonAvatarBuilder
AutoAddIconBadge Bool Whether to auto add the icon badges if it doesn't exist on an avatar when equipping it. Usually managed by the world through the Component:CommonAvatarBuilder
AutoAddLiveIndicator Bool Whether to auto add the live indicator component if it doesn't exist on an avatar when equipping it. Usually managed by the world through the Component:CommonAvatarBuilder
EmptySlotHandler IEmptyAvatarSlotHandler The object to handle empty avatar slots. Usually defined by the world through the Component:CommonAvatarBuilder.
DefaultScale Float The default scale multiplier of the avatar currently equipped
NameTagText String The text that should be assigned to the avatar nametag's text field list
NameTagColor ColorX The color that should be assigned to the avatar nametag's color list.
NameTagOutline ColorX The color that should be assigned to the avatar nametag's color1 list.
NameTagBackground ColorX The color.that should be assigned to the avatar nametag's color background list.
_badgeTemplates Slot the slot that was made for the user for storage of their badges.
_autoNameBadge Slot the slot that was made for the user for their name badge.
_autoIconBadge Slot the slot that was made for the user for their Icon.
_autoLiveIndicator Slot The slot that was made for the user for their live indicator
_updateVersion Int Internal.


Equipped group is internally handled as a type to hold data from a Dictionary<Component:AvatarRoot, list of Component:AvatarObjectSlot>

Name Type Description
Root AvatarRoot The avatar root associated with the currently equipped avatar.
ObjectSlots list of Component:AvatarObjectSlot The list of currently equipped object nodes associated with Root.


Should not be used directly by the player, since this is used by the game instead to manage avatars on a user.


See Also