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Component image 
Axis Translation Gizmo component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The AxisTranslationGizmo is the squares often seen on a Gizmo to translate it along 2 axies at the same time.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
TargetSlot direct TransformRelayRef The slot to translate and edit.
AutoPositionAtTargetSlot Bool Whether to automatically position this at the target slot.
_interactingComponent Component the component This is interacting with.
_material OverlayFresnelMaterial The material being used for the visual.
_toolPoint Slot The point that follows the interacting tool's tip.
_activePoint Slot The point that follows the gizmo visual.
_lineRoot Slot the root of the line visual from the gizmo to the interacting tool's tip.
_lineSegment SegmentMesh The segment mesh being used for the line visual.
_snapHighlight Slot the root of the snap highlight for snapping.
Axis Float3 The direction of the 2d plane this will translate along.
AxisSpace direct RootSpace The coordinate space of Axis.
PointSpace direct RootSpace The coordinate space of TargetPoint drive value.
TargetPoint direct RelayRef`1<IField`1<Float3>> A field to drive with the target point position.
TargetValue direct RelayRef`1<IField`1<Float>> The field to use for TargetPoint
UseCustomVisual Bool Whether to use a custom visual rather than the default code generated one.
_customVisualRoot Slot The root slot of the custom visual.
ArrowLength Float The length of the arrow this gizmo is attached to.
CreateUndoSteps Bool Whether to make edits done with this component undoable.
_visualRoot Slot The root slot of the visual for interaction.
_visualRot field drive of FloatQ The rotation field of the visual.
_arrowVector field drive of Float3 The vector field of the arrow mesh visual.
_arrow ArrowMesh The arrow mesh of the visual.
_collider reference drive of CylinderCollider The collider of the visual.
_linesRoot Slot the root slot of the lines visual.
_line0 SegmentMesh The segment mesh being used for the first line.
_line1 SegmentMesh The segment mesh being used for the second line.


Used For Gizmos.


See Also