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Boolean Asset Driver`1 component as seen in the Scene Inspector

This component is functionally identical to Boolean Reference Driver. Except it only accepts IAssets and acts as a user for assets in FalseTarget and TrueTarget meaning assets assigned to this component won't get cleaned up by the asset optimizer world processes.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
State Bool Whether to drive Target to TrueTarget or FalseTarget
Target reference drive of AssetRef`1<A> The field to drive the value of.
FalseTarget A The asset to drive Target to when State is false.
TrueTarget A The asset to drive Target to when State is true.


Attach this component to a slot, and (optionally) put an asset into the False and/or True target fields. Then, put a field which you want to change the asset of into Target. now, switching State will allow switching between the values of FalseTarget and TrueTarget.


This can be used to switch textures, materials, documents, and many other IAssets between two different values. This can be used to allow flip flopping eye textures, or having an evil/good texture.

See Also

Asset Multiplexer for switching between more than 2 assets.