
From Resonite Wiki
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Cylindrical Distance Haptic Filter component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The CylindricalDistanceHapticFilter component filters haptic device influences multiplicatively depending on their position within a range of 2 cylinders. One being an inner and one being an outer. Both of them are invisible though. This component works when used with a Component:HapticVolume.

This works as part of the game's robust Haptics system.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
StartRadius Float The starting radius of the intensity gradient based on distance from the cylinders center line from end to end.
EndRadius Float The ending radius of the intensity gradient based on distance from the cylinders center line from end to end.
StartRadiusIntensity Float The starting intensity of the intensity gradient based on distance from the cylinders center line from end to end.
EndRadiusIntensity Float The ending intensity of the intensity gradient based on distance from the cylinders center line from end to end.
RadiusPower Float The amplification of the intensity gradient based on distance from the cylinders center line from end to end.
StartAxisOffset Float Used to define the distance from the cylinder end cap to start the intensity gradient.
EndAxisOffset Float Used to define the distance from the cylinder end cap to end the intensity gradient.
StartAxisIntensity Float The starting intensity value for the intensity gradient based on the distance to the cylinder cap.
EndAxisIntensity Float The ending intensity value for the intensity gradient based on the distance to the cylinder cap.
AxisPower Float How much to amplify the intensity of the intensity gradient based on the distance to the cylinder cap.


Attach to a slot with a valid and working Component:HapticVolume to add to the list of multiplicative haptic filters.


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See Also