Component image 
Cylindrical Distance Haptic Filter component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The CylindricalDistanceHapticFilter component filters haptic device influences multiplicatively depending on their position within a range of 2 cylinders. One being an inner and one being an outer. Both of them are invisible though. This component works when used with a Component:HapticVolume.
This works as part of the game's robust Haptics system.
Name | Type | Description |
Bool | Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server. |
Int | Controls the order in which this component is updated. |
Bool | Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't. |
Float | The starting radius of the intensity gradient based on distance from the cylinders center line from end to end. |
Float | The ending radius of the intensity gradient based on distance from the cylinders center line from end to end. |
Float | The starting intensity of the intensity gradient based on distance from the cylinders center line from end to end. |
Float | The ending intensity of the intensity gradient based on distance from the cylinders center line from end to end. |
Float | The amplification of the intensity gradient based on distance from the cylinders center line from end to end. |
Float | Used to define the distance from the cylinder end cap to start the intensity gradient. |
Float | Used to define the distance from the cylinder end cap to end the intensity gradient. |
Float | The starting intensity value for the intensity gradient based on the distance to the cylinder cap. |
Float | The ending intensity value for the intensity gradient based on the distance to the cylinder cap. |
Float | How much to amplify the intensity of the intensity gradient based on the distance to the cylinder cap. |
Attach to a slot with a valid and working Component:HapticVolume to add to the list of multiplicative haptic filters.
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