The Haptics system in Resonite allows users to define volumes or positions where a user can recieve haptics sensations from in the world
Sources of haptics can be:
- Notifications
- Buttons
- Dynamic Bones
- Areas
- Avatars
- Items
- and much more!
Haptics devices that users can have will vary, from OWO vests, giggle pucks, VR controllers, websocket controlled devices, or even Virtual simulated haptics devices.
Haptic areas and sources in the world can be modified to behave differently based on where a user's haptic device is or how they're interacting with the world. For example, a Dynamic bone can send strong haptics when a user grabs it, as if to say "Hey! Don't pull my ear!"
Haptics volumes can also have a variety of haptic filters applied to them. The effect of these filters stack multiplicatively.
Avatars can also have their haptics adjusted and customized using the AvatarHapticSourceManager in case generated haptics points are not accurate enough for an avatar.