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Component image 
Depth Projection Material component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The DepthProjectionMaterial is commonly used when importing depth videos and acts as a material that displaces vertices in 3D.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
HighPriorityIntegration Bool If true, integrating this asset (e.g. processing procedural assets) gets higher priority than assets with this flag off. An example is user laser procedural meshes.
_shader Shader Internal.
Color ITexture2D The surface color texture of the material.
Depth ITexture2D the texture used to displace vertices based on intensity.
DepthEncoding DepthEncoding How the depth data is encoded into Depth
ColorTextureOffset Float2 the texture uv offset of Color.
ColorTextureScale Float2 the texture uv scale of Color.
DepthTextureOffset Float2 the texture uv offset of Depth.
DepthTextureScale Float2 the texture uv scale of Depth.
DepthFrom Float the minimum depth distance.
DepthTo Float the maximum depth distance.
FieldOfView Float2 the field of view of the Depth data.
NearClip Float the near clip of the Depth data.
FarClip Float the far clip of the Depth data.
DiscardThreshold Float how strong the depth data can be till its cut off.
DiscardOffset Float how much to offset the DiscardThreshold.
BlendMode BlendMode How to blend this material's colors vs what it rendered on top of.
ZWrite ZWrite whether this material should respect the distance it is from the camera.


The material uses a file that has a greyscale video (representing depth at each pixel) and a normal color video in order to "overlay" the color info on top of the 3D distortion created by the greyscale input. There are texture2D slots for depth and color, meaning two separate files could be used given the DepthTextureOffset property is set to 0.


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See Also