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Eye Linear Driver component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The EyeLinearDriver component is used to drive the shapekeys on eyes. It can also do eye look direction shapekeys if each eye is provided a projection plane slot.

This component can also be used to drive position offsets for eyes. This can be used to make 2D texture based eyes or anime eyes work without needing to use rotation. Please see How Projection Plane Works.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
EyeManager EyeManager The eye manager to get the eye data from.
ProjectionPlaneSize Float2 The scaling of the inital hit point before it is clamped. See How Projection Plane Works.
ProjectionPointDistance Float The distance from the offseted plane to ProjectionPlanePoint on all the eyes in Eyes list. See How Projection Plane Works.
PositionOffsetCenter Float2 How much to add to the inital plane projection hit point after clamping. See How Projection Plane Works.
PositionOffsetRange Float2 how much to scale the inital plane projection hit after clamping. See How Projection Plane Works.
MinimumTargetPointDistance Float The minimum distance for every eye in Eyes a look target point from that eye's projection plane slot can be. Points closer than that are set to be further than this value during calculation. See How Projection Plane Works.
PositionClampMode ClampMode How to clamp projection plane projection range when doing projection calculations. See How Projection Plane Works.
LeftCloseSubtractLimits list of EyeCloseLimit The component finds the EyeCloseLimit with the maximum influence in this list. If the EyeCloseLimit with the maximum influence in CombinedEyeCloseSubtractLimits is higher, then that is used instead. Then this subtracts the result from the Left Eye close amount (essentially prying the eye open) to get the eye closed value to use with every left eye.
RightCloseSubtractLimits list of EyeCloseLimit The component finds the EyeCloseLimit with the maximum influence in this list. If the EyeCloseLimit with the maximum influence in CombinedEyeCloseSubtractLimits is higher, then that is used instead. Then this subtracts the result from the Left Eye close amount (essentially prying the eye open) to get the eye closed value to use with every right eye.
CombinedCloseSubtractLimits list of EyeCloseLimit Used with LeftCloseSubtractLimits and RightCloseSubtractLimits calculations.
Eyes list of Eye The list of eyes this component is doing calculations and shapekey driving for.


Name Type Description
Side EyeSide The side to get data from for this Eye like target look point and
ProjectionPlanePoint Slot The slot to use as a reference for doing Projection with. See How Projection Plane Works.
PositionOffset field drive of Float2 The field to drive with the final value from the Projection system for fields like slot position or a 2D texture offset on a material.
LookLeft field drive of Float Used to drive the surrounding eye surface shifting when the user looks left for this Eye. See Eye Look Calculation.
LookUp field drive of Float Used to drive the surrounding eye surface shifting when the user looks up for this Eye. See Eye Look Calculation.
LookRight field drive of Float Used to drive the surrounding eye surface shifting when the user looks right for this Eye. See Eye Look Calculation.
LookDown field drive of Float Used to drive the surrounding eye surface shifting when the user looks down for this Eye. See Eye Look Calculation.
OpenCloseTarget field drive of Float The shapekey or value to use when this eye is closed.
PupilSizeTarget field drive of Float The shapekey or value to use when the pupil needs to grow.
WidenTarget field drive of Float The shapekey to use to make this eye widen like in shock.
SqueezeTarget field drive of Float The shapekey or value to use when this eye is squinting.
FrownTarget field drive of Float The shapekey or value to use when this eye is making a frown.
InnerBrowRaiseTarget field drive of Float The shapekey or value to use for the inner brow raising for this eye.
InnerBrowLowerTarget field drive of Float The shapekey or value to use for the inner brow lowering for this eye.
OuterBrowRaiseTarget field drive of Float The shapekey or value to use for the outer brow raising for this eye.
OuterBrowLowerTarget field drive of Float The shapekey or value to use for the outer brow lowering for this eye.
MinInputCloseness Float The minimum value the eye tracker can output for eye shut amount for this eye. The subtract limits are applied before the value from the eye tracker makes it to this filter.
MaxInputCloseness Float The maximum value the eye tracker can output for eye shut amount for this eye. The subtract limits are applied before the value from the eye tracker makes it to this filter.
OpenState Float The value to drive OpenCloseTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the minimum possible value for eye shut amount. Which MinInputCloseness should also be set to the minimum possible value for eye shut amount from the eye tracker. The subtract limits are applied before the value from the eye tracker makes it to this filter.
CloseState Float The value to drive OpenCloseTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the maximum possible value for eye shut amount. Which MaxInputCloseness should also be set to the maximum possible value for eye shut amount from the eye tracker. The subtract limits are applied before the value from the eye tracker makes it to this filter.
MinInputPupilSize Float The minimum value the eye tracker can output for pupil size for this eye.
MaxInputPupilSize Float The maximum value the eye tracker can output for pupil size for this eye.
MinOutputPupilSize Float The value to drive PupilSizeTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the minimum possible value for pupil size. Which MinInputPupilSize should also be set to the minimum possible value for pupil size from the eye tracker.
MaxOutputPupilSize Float The value to drive PupilSizeTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the maximum possible value for pupil size. Which MaxInputPupilSize should also be set to the maximum possible value for pupil size from the eye tracker.
MinInputWiden Float The minimum value the eye tracker can output for widen in shock for this eye.
MaxInputWiden Float The maximum value the eye tracker can output for widen in shock for this eye.
MinOutputWiden Float The value to drive WidenTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the minimum possible value for widen in shock. Which MinInputWiden should also be set to the minimum possible value for widen in shock from the eye tracker.
MaxOutputWiden Float The value to drive WidenTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the minimum possible value for widen in shock. Which MinInputWiden should also be set to the minimum possible value for widen in shock from the eye tracker.
MinInputSqueeze Float The minimum value the eye tracker can output for squinting for this eye.
MaxInputSqueeze Float The maximum value the eye tracker can output for squinting for this eye.
MinOutputSqueeze Float The value to drive SqueezeTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the minimum possible value for squint. Which MinInputSqueeze should also be set to the minimum possible value for squint from the eye tracker.
MaxOutputSqueeze Float The value to drive SqueezeTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the maximum possible value for squint. Which MaxInputSqueeze should also be set to the maximum possible value for squint from the eye tracker.
MinInputFrown Float The minimum value the eye tracker can output for frowning for this eye.
MaxInputFrown Float The maximum value the eye tracker can output for frowining for this eye.
MinOutputFrown Float The value to drive FrownTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the minimum possible value for frown. Which MinInputFrown should also be set to the minimum possible value for frown from the eye tracker.
MaxOutputFrown Float The value to drive FrownTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the maximum possible value for frown. Which MaxInputFrown should also be set to the maximum possible value for frown from the eye tracker.
MinInputInnerBrowRaise Float The minimum value the eye tracker can output for inner brow raising for this eye.
MaxInputInnerBrowRaise Float The maximum value the eye tracker can output for inner brow raising for this eye.
MinOutputInnerBrowRaise Float The value to drive InnerBrowRaiseTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the minimum possible value for inner brow raising. Which MinInputInnerBrowRaise should also be set to the minimum possible value for inner brow raising from the eye tracker.
MaxOutputInnerBrowRaise Float The value to drive InnerBrowRaiseTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the maximum possible value for inner brow raising. Which MaxInputInnerBrowRaise should also be set to the maximum possible value for inner brow raising from the eye tracker.
MinInputInnerBrowLower Float The minimum value the eye tracker can output for inner brow lowering for this eye.
MaxInputInnerBrowLower Float The maximum value the eye tracker can output for inner brow lowering for this eye.
MinOutputInnerBrowLower Float The value to drive InnerBrowLowerTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the minimum possible value for inner brow lowering. Which MinInputInnerBrowLower should also be set to the minimum possible value for inner brow lowering from the eye tracker.
MaxOutputInnerBrowLower Float The value to drive InnerBrowLowerTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the maximum possible value for inner brow lowering. Which MaxInputInnerBrowLower should also be set to the maximum possible value for inner brow lowering from the eye tracker.
MinInputOuterBrowRaise Float The minimum value the eye tracker can output for outer brow raising for this eye.
MaxInputOuterBrowRaise Float The maximum value the eye tracker can output for outer brow raising for this eye.
MinOutputOuterBrowRaise Float The value to drive InnerBrowOuterTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the minimum possible value for outer brow raising. Which MinInputOuterBrowRaise should also be set to the minimum possible value for outer brow raising from the eye tracker.
MaxOutputOuterBrowRaise Float The value to drive InnerBrowOuterTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the maximum possible value for outer brow raising. Which MaxInputOuterBrowRaise should also be set to the maximum possible value for outer brow raising from the eye tracker.
MinInputOuterBrowLower Float The minimum value the eye tracker can output for outer brow lowering for this eye.
MaxInputOuterBrowLower Float The maximum value the eye tracker can output for outer brow lowering for this eye.
MinOutputOuterBrowLower Float The value to drive InnerBrowOuterTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the minimum possible value for outer brow lowering. Which MinInputOuterBrowLower should also be set to the minimum possible value for outer brow lowering from the eye tracker.
MaxOutputOuterBrowLower Float The value to drive InnerBrowOuterTarget to when the eye tracker is outputting the maximum possible value for outer brow lowering. Which MaxInputOuterBrowLower should also be set to the maximum possible value for outer brow lowering from the eye tracker.
LookMultiply Float See Eye Look Calculation.
LookPower Float See Eye Look Calculation.


Name Type Description
Source IField`1<Float> The value to use as a source for this subtract limit value.
Multiplier Float The multiplier for Source before it becomes this entry's subtract limit value.


Name Value Description
Circle 0 clamps movement within an oval based on the Projection plane size.
Square 1 clamps movement within a rectangle based on Projection plane size.

How Projection Plane Works

When any eye on this component is provided a slot for ProjectionPlanePoint, the projection calculations are allowed to work.

For each eye the Calculation is able to be done on, the component shoots a simulated ray from the ProjectionPlanePoint to the eye's look target through an offseted plane. The resulting hit point is modified by some of the component's values (See above fields) and then clamped between -1 to 1. Or within a circle if using ClampMode circle. The value is then modifed by some more component fields, before the result drives PositionOffset. Which can drive a texture offset or the position of an eyeball slot for 2D eyes.

Eye Look Calculation

Eye look calculations for an eye don't work if ProjectionPlanePoint is null for that eye.

The clamped hit point from The Projection System is first multiplied with LookMultiply and raised to LookPower before it is used for calculating LookLeft, LookRight, LookUp, and LookDown.


Can be used to drive 2D eyeballs, the shapekeys for eyeballs, and look shapekeys using Ray plane intersection calculations within the component.


Used in the eye management system added to avatars using the Avatar Creator if the option for settup eye tracking is enabled.

See Also