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Component image 
GrabInstancer component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The GrabInstancer component spawns a new copy of Template
and attaches it to the user's hand whenever the slot it is attached to is grabbed.
Name | Type | Description |
Bool | Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server. |
Int | Controls the order in which this component is updated. |
Bool | Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't. |
Slot | The slot that gets duplicated and grabbed when the GrabInstancer is grabbed. (Like a figurine) |
Slot | The slot to duplicate and act as a container for the grabbed object (Like a box for a figurine) |
Slot | The override on where to place the duplicated grabbed object (Where to put the figurine in the box hiearchy). |
Bool | Whether or not the GrabInstancer should activate the newly duplicated slot. |
Bool | Whether or not the GrabInstancer should activate any Grabbable component on the newly duplicated slot. |
Nullable`1<Bool> | Whether to set the duplicated object's persistence field, and what to set it to. |
list of Slot | slots will be skipped while duplicating |
Bool | If true, the GrabInstancer only reacts to physical grab. |
Int | Determines what gets grabbed if several grabbable objects are touching someone's grab sphere. The IGrabbable with the highest priority will be grabbed first. If the highest priority ties with another IGrabbable, it will grab both of those and ignore any lower priority IGrabbables. |
Attach to a slot and provide a value for Template
at minimum.
A video tutorial about the GrabInstancer by ProbablePrime:
See Also
- UIGrabInstancer is similar to this component but uses UIX elements to do this.