
From Resonite Wiki
Component image 
Interaction Laser component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
SmoothSpeed Float
SmoothModulateStartAngle Float
SmoothModulateEndAngle Float
SmoothModulateExp Float
SmoothModulateMultiplier Float
StickThreshold Float
MaxTouchPenetrationDistance Float
StickPointSpace Slot
StickPointPosition Float3
_handler InteractionHandler
_lastHit direct AutoSyncRef`1<Slot>
_lastInteractionTarget direct AutoSyncRef`1<IInteractionTarget>
_lastInteractionModifier direct AutoSyncRef`1<ILaserInteractionModifier>
_hitColor ColorX
_laserTextureSpeed Float
_laserMesh BentTubeMesh
_laserMaterial OverlayUnlitMaterial
_laserTexture StaticTexture2D
_behindLaserTint field drive of ColorX
_laserRenderQueue field drive of Int
_laserFrontTextureOffset field drive of Float2
_laserBehindTextureOffset field drive of Float2
_directPoint field drive of Float3
_actualPoint field drive of Float3
_startColor field drive of ColorX
_endColor field drive of ColorX
_pointSlot Slot
_pointSlotPos field drive of Float3
_laserVisible field drive of Bool
_cursorVisible field drive of Bool
_directCursorVisible field drive of Bool
_directCursorRoot Slot
_directCursorOffset field drive of Float3
_directCursorOrientation field drive of FloatQ
_directLineTarget field drive of Float3
_directLineMesh SegmentMesh
_segmentColorFront field drive of ColorX
_segmentColorBehind field drive of ColorX
_segmentRenderQueue field drive of Int
_touchSource RelayTouchSource
_cursorRoot Slot
_cursorTexture StaticTexture2D
_cursorMaterial OverlayUnlitMaterial
_cursorFrontTint field drive of ColorX
_cursorBehindTint field drive of ColorX
_cursorRenderQueue field drive of Int
_cursorOrientation field drive of FloatQ
_cursorScale field drive of Float3
_cursorTint ColorX



See Also