
From Resonite Wiki
Component image 
Interactive Camera component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The InteractiveCamera component is used in the resonite default camera and is a way of easily taking pictures.

See Camera for more up to date info.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
CameraMode Mode The mode the camera is in for taking pictures.
PreviewWidth Int The width in pixels of the preview image on the camera screen.
PreviewHeight Int The height in pixels of the preview image on the camera screen.
RenderWidth Int The output width in pixels of the final picture.
StereoSeparation Float How far apart the left and right eyes should be when taking a stereo picture.
TimerInterval Float How long the timer should be for taking a photo.
TimerEnabled Bool Whether the timer mode for taking pictures is enabled.
LastCaptureTime direct SyncTime The last time in world seconds that this camera took a picture.
TimerCountIndicator field drive of String The string field to drive with the amount of seconds remaining in the current picture countdown indicator.
TimerColorIndicator field drive of ColorX The color field to drive with the indicator color of the current photo countdown timer.
_timerStartPoint direct SyncTime The world time in seconds when the user started the photo take timer.
_timerUser User The user that is handling taking the photo and doing the timer countdown.
MainCamera direct RelayRef`1<Camera> The main camera being used to preview photos to the screen and render them.
SecondaryCamera Camera The secondary alt camera being used to take photos and render them to the screen.
PreviewTexture RenderTextureProvider The texture that is being rendered to for the camera screen preview on the back of the camera.
DisplayMaterial IStereoMaterial The material being used to display the camera preview.
Format EncodeFormat In what image type to take pictures in.
Quality Float The quality encoding for taken pictures.
SpawnPhotoInWorld Bool Whether to spawn taken photos into the world.
PhotoSpawnPoint Slot Where to spawn photos and parent them when they are printed out.
PhotoSpawnSize Float How big to spawn the photos.
PanoramaIndicator Slot the slot that holds the panorama indicator visual.
PanoramaIndicatorSize field drive of Float3 The field to drive so the camera can change the Panorama indicator visual size.
ObjectTargetSource Slot The slot to shoot a raycast from for selective rendering a camera when doing the selective object mode.
ObjectTargetSourceActive field drive of Bool The active field of the object target source Laser visual
ObjectAutoPose Bool Whether to automatically adjust the camera to look at the targeted object.
HideLasersOnCapture Bool Whether to hide user lasers when taking photos.
CaptureSound AudioClip The audio clip to play when taking photos.
TimerStartSound AudioClip The audio to play when a photo countdown timer starts.
TimerCountdownSlowPlayer AudioClipPlayer The audio to play when the photo countdown timer is just starting and is counting down.
TimerCountdownFastPlayer AudioClipPlayer The audio to play as the timer for the photo countdown timer is reaching completion.
TimerCountdownSlowOutput AudioOutput The audio output component that plays the TimerCountdownSlowPlayer.
TimerCountdownFastOutput AudioOutput The audio output component that plays the TimerCountdownFastPlayer.
PreviewScale raw output of Float2 How big the preview display above the camera should be.
CameraModelOverride String Overrides the text for what kind of camera took a photo generated by this component in the metadata.
FrustumVisual CameraFrustumMesh The mesh that is used to show the camera fustrum
DefaultNearClip Float The default nearclip to be used with the camera.
DefaultFarClip Float The default farclip to be used with the camera.
_frustumPosition field drive of Float3 The field to drive with position of the fustrum visual.
_frustumRotation field drive of FloatQ The field to drive with the rotation of the fustrum visual.
_frustumVerticalFOV field drive of Float The field to drive with the vertical field view angle of the fustrum mesh.
_frustumHorizontalFOV field drive of Float The field to drive with the horizontal field view angle of the fustrum mesh.
_frustumNear field drive of Float The field to drive with the nearclip of the fustrum mesh.
_frustumFar field drive of Float The field to drive with the farclip of the fustrum mesh.
_leftCamOffset field drive of Float3 The field to drive with the offset of the left camera for stero images.
_rightCamOffset field drive of Float3 The field to drive with the offset of the right camera for stero images.
_leftCamOrientation field drive of FloatQ The field to drive with the rotation of the left camera for stero images.
_rightCamOrientation field drive of FloatQ The field to drive with the rotation of the right camera for stero images.
_cameraRendering field drive of Bool The field to drive with whether the main camera should be enabled and rendering.
_secondaryCameraRendering field drive of Bool The field to drive with whether the secondary camera should be enabled and rendering.
ExclusiveOperators list of UserRef The users that should be excluded from taken photos due to their privacy settings.
ControlActiveFields list of FieldDrive`1<Bool> A list of booleans to drive to whether this camera is being auto moved by control rather than manual positioning.
RenderOnlyForUsers list of UserRef The users that should only appear in the photo and exlude everyone else.
ForceVisualsOff Bool Whether to force this camera's visuals to off.
VisualActiveFields list of FieldDrive`1<Bool> A list of boolean fields to drive for the visuals of this camera.
AutoHideProximity Float How close the camera can be before it hides itself for the local user.
ForceEyeAttentionUsers list of UserRef The list of users to force their eyes to look at the camera.
SimulatingUser direct UserRef The user that is handling the processing for this camera.
DestroyOnUserLeave direct UserRef The user that when leaving will trigger the destruction of this camera.
PositioningMode CameraPositioningMode How the camera should position itself.
ActiveAnchor InteractiveCameraAnchor The current camera anchor this camera is on.
AnchorInterpolationSpeed Float How fast to move between anchors.
AnchorLinearInterpolation Bool Whether the camera should move between anchors in a linear speed fashion.
FrameTargetUser direct UserRef The user to frame in the shot.
HeadPointOffset Float3 How much to add an offset to a user's head when targeting it.
AnglePosition Float tilt of the camera side to side
Distance Float How far away to stay from a subject during auto tracking.
HeightOffset Float How much offset to add to targeting a user's head vertically.
FirstPersonPitch Float The current first person rotation transform pitch.
FirstPersonRoll Float The current first person rotation transform roll.
FirstPersonOffset Float The offset forward or backwards in first person currently.
GroupIncludeRadius Float How close a user needs to be to others to be in a group.
GroupExcludeRadius Float How far a user needs to move from a group before they are removed as being part of a group.
ForceGroupInclude list of UserRef A list of users to force include into the target group.
ForceGroupExclude list of UserRef A list of users to force exclude from the target group.
PositionSmoothSpeed Float The smooth speed of the camera's position during auto tracking.
AnglePositionSmoothSpeed Float The smooth speed of the camera's angle position during auto tracking.
FramingSmoothSpeed Float The smooth speed of the camera's position during auto tracking for framing.
WobbleMagnitude Float3 How much the camera's position should randomly wobble.
WobbleSeed Float3 The seed of the randomization algorithm of the camera's wobble.
WobbleSpeed Float3 How fast the camera should randomly wobble.
FramingViewportPosition Float2 Where to frame the target object in the viewport of the camera rather than the center of the image.
AvoidOcclusion Bool Whether to take target player(s) colliders into account when framing users. Can help with clipping off arms or legs.
OcclusionIncludePlayers Bool Whether occlusion should try to keep players in view.
OcclusionIncludeAnyColliders Bool Whether the occlusion should include any collider. If false, ignores character colliders.
_positionStream ValueStream`1<Float3> The stream of the position data for this camera when auto tracking.
_rotationStream ValueStream`1<FloatQ> The stream of the rotation data for this camera when auto tracking.
_positionDrive field drive of Float3 The field to drive for the position of the camera when auto tracking.
_rotationDrive field drive of FloatQ The field to drive for the rotation of the camera when auto tracking.
_releasePosition Float3 The position at the time _positionDrive became null.
_releaseRotation FloatQ The rotation at the time _rotationDrive became null.

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Description
Trigger() Action Tells camera to take photo as if the user pressed the picture button themselves.
Capture() Action Tells the camera to instantly take a photo.


Name Value Description
Camera2D 0 Normal camera mode.
CameraStereo 1 camera renders a 3d photo with a left and right.
Camera360 2 Camera renders a sphere photo.
CameraObject 3 Camera targets an object and renders only that object on a solid background or skybox.


Name Value Description
PNG 0 Save image as a png.
JPG 1 save image as a jpeg.
WebP 2 save image as a webp.


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See Also