Component image 
Mirror Transform component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The Mirror Transform drives the position of the slot to mirror the position of an inputted slot across the normal of a plane.
Name | Type | Description |
Bool | Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server. |
Int | Controls the order in which this component is updated. |
Bool | Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't. |
Slot | The slot to get the mirror data from. |
Slot | The slot to use as the position to mirror across. |
Float3 | An offset from the MirrorPlane to mirror across.
Float3 | The direction to mirror from. |
Bool | Whether to allow changing the target fields of _position or _rotation to change the position and rotation of MirrorSource .
field drive of Float3 | The position field to drive with the mirrored mirror data. Usually the Position field of the slot this component is on. |
field drive of FloatQ | The rotation field to drive with the mirrored mirror data. Usually the Rotation field of the slot this component is on. |
Attach to a slot and provide MirrorSource
, MirrorPlane
, and MirrorNormal
for this component to start working.
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