
Category page

For an explanation about driven values, see the article on Drive.

Component Description
AutoLookAtUser Makes a slot look at the closest user.
AxisAligner Arranges children of an object in a line along the object's X, Y, or Z axis, along that axis positively or negatively, with an optional separation, and reference point justification.
AxisPanner Moves the object at a specified constant speed along a specified axis, a specified distance (wrapping around), relative to the parent object with an optional offset, optionally changing its scale while it moves.
BooleanReferenceDriver<T> Drives a target reference to one of two references depending on a boolean.
BooleanSwitcher Activates only one of a set of objects (deactivating the rest) based on a numeric integer value.
BooleanValueDriver<T> Drives a target value to one of two values depending on a boolean.
CircleAligner Arranges children of an object uniformly in a circle about a specified axis at a specified radius, with optional angular offset.
CopyGlobalScale Drives the scale of the object with the scale of another object.
CopyGlobalTransform Drives the position and rotation of the object with the position and rotation of another object.
FlipAtUser Makes a slot flip towards a user.
Float2Driver Drives a target Float2 from two Float sources.
Float3Driver Drives a target Float3 from three Float sources.
Float4Driver Drives a target Float4 from four Float sources.
LinearAngleMapper Maps a source Float value linearly onto a target FloatQ using Euler angle representation.
LinearColorMapper Maps a source Float value linearly onto a target Color.
LinearMapper1D Maps a source Float value linearly onto a target Float.
LinearMapper2D Maps a source Float value linearly onto a target Float2.
LinearMapper3D Maps a source Float value linearly onto a target Float3.
LinearMapper4D Maps a source Float value linearly onto a target Float4.
LinearRotationMapper Maps a source Float value linearly onto a target FloatQ using quaternion representation.
LookAt Makes a slot look towards another slot.
LookAtUser Makes a slot look towards a user.
MultiBoolConditionDriver Drives a boolean field, based on multiple conditions and what way to compare them in.
ObjectGridAligner Arranges children of an object in a planar grid with a specified number of children in a row, and as many columns as required, with a specified cell size. Has a lerp animation option.
Panner1D Drives a Float from 0 to the specified amount (with an optional offset) at the specified speed.
Panner2D Drives a Float2 from 0 to the specified amount (with an optional offset) at the specified speed.
Panner3D Drives a Float3 from 0 to the specified amount (with an optional offset) at the specified speed.
Panner4D Drives a Float4 from 0 to the specified amount (with an optional offset) at the specified speed.
RayDriver Drives two positions (Float3s) along a specified axis with a starting point and a distance.
ReferenceCopy<T> Drives the target's reference with the source's reference.
ReferenceEqualityDriver<T> Drives the target boolean with whether the target's reference is equal to a given reference.
RemoteConnectionPointDriver This allows driving local position, vector, orientation and size from a target Slot. It can be used with TubeWireMesh and StripeWireMesh to drive the other point from another slot.
SmoothTransform Drives the position, rotation, and scale of an object to the specified target values, with a smooth lerp animation.
SmoothValue<T> Smoothes a value towards a target.
SphereAligner Drives the positions of the object's children to points uniformly arranged on a sphere around the parent, with a specified radius, optionally aligning the children away from the center.
Spinner Drives the rotation of an object about an axis at a specified speed.
TimeIntDriver Drives a target integer repeating from 0 incrementing to the specified value at the specified speed, optionally decrementing back to 0 after reaching the final value.
UnwrappableBoxDriver Drives the rotation of 6 slots to make them form the faces of an unwrapping box.
ValueCopy<T> Drives the target's value with the source's value.
ValueEqualityDriver<T> Drives the target boolean with whether the target's value is equal to a given value.
ValueGradientDriver<T> Drives a field to a value, based on a configurable gradient of values and a position in that gradient.
ValueUserOverride<T> Drives a value differently for different users.

Pages in category "Components:Transform:Drivers"

The following 76 pages are in this category, out of 76 total.