
From Resonite Wiki
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Mockup Mouth Tracking Source component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The MockupMouthTrackingSource component can be used to simulate the tracking data of a tracking device and be applied to any field that takes a IMouthTrackingSourceComponent.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Jaw Float3 The jaw position from rest.
JawOpen Float The jaw openess.
Tongue Float3 The tongue position.
TongueRoll Float The tongue roll into a burrito shape.
LipUpperLeftRaise Float The upper left lip raise amount.
LipUpperRightRaise Float The upper right lip raise amount.
LipLowerLeftRaise Float The lower left lip raise amount.
LipLowerRightRaise Float The lower right lip raise amount.
LipUpperHorizontal Float The shift side to side of the upper lip.
LipLowerHorizontal Float The shift side to side of the lower lip. (negative to positive 1)
MouthLeftSmileFrown Float The left frown/smile amount. (negative to positive 1)
MouthRightSmileFrown Float The right frown/smile amount. (negative to positive 1)
MouthLeftDimple Float
MouthRightDimple Float
MouthPoutLeft Float The mouth kissy amount.
MouthPoutRight Float
LipTopLeftOverturn Float The amount The top lip is flipping upwards
LipTopRightOverturn Float
LipBottomLeftOverturn Float The amount The top lip is flipping upwards
LipBottomRightOverturn Float
LipTopLeftOverUnder Float The amount the top lip is going down to cover the bottom lip.
LipTopRightOverUnder Float
LipBottomLeftOverUnder Float The amount the bottom lip is going up to cover the top lip.
LipBottomRightOverUnder Float
LipLeftStretchTighten Float
LipRightStretchTighten Float
LipsLeftPress Float
LipsRightPress Float
CheekLeftPuffSuck Float The amount the left cheek is sucking inwards or being puffed out. (negative to positive 1)
CheekRightPuffSuck Float The amount the right cheek is sucking inwards or being puffed out. (negative to positive 1)
CheekLeftRaise Float
CheekRightRaise Float
NoseWrinkleLeft Float
NoseWrinkleRight Float
ChinRaiseBottom Float
ChinRaiseTop Float


Attach to a slot and insert the component into another Component on an avatar like an Component:AvatarExpressionDriver to test its value influences.


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See Also