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Component image 
Object Grid Aligner component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The ObjectGridAligner component aligns objects into a grid of items with x number of items per row.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
AutoAddChildren Bool Controls whether slots below this component's slot in the hierarchy are automatically added to _targets.
AutoAddIgnoreTags direct SyncFieldList`1<String>
ItemsPerRow Int How many items per row.
CellSize Float2 The space between each item.
LerpSpeed Float How fast the items should move to align themselves in the specified grid arrangement.
HorizontalAlignment ObjectGridAligner.Align How to align the items horizontally.
VerticalAlignment ObjectGridAligner.Align How to align the items vertically.
RowAxis ObjectGridAligner.AxisDir The axis that items should be aligned on for the horizontal axis of the grid.
ColumnAxis ObjectGridAligner.AxisDir The axis that items should be aligned on for the vertical axis of the grid.
Items list of ObjectGridAligner.Item A list of items who's positions should be driven to place them into a grid alignment using this component's calculations.


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Controls how the items should align themselves along the axis specified by the component.

Name Value Description
Neg 0 Aligns items so their values are always negative along the specified alignment axis (so if using x axis, x will always be negative for an item)
Mid 1 Aligns items so half are on the negative and half are on the positive along an axis, so they take up both directions equally.
Pos 2 Aligns items so their values are always positive along the specified alignment axis (so if using x axis, x will always be positive for an item)


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Name Value Description
Xpos 0 Align items along the positive x axis.
Xneg 1 Align items along the negative x axis.
Ypos 2 Align items along the positive y axis.
Yneg 3 Align items along the negative y axis.
Zpos 4 Align items along the positive z axis.
Zneg 5 Align items along the negative z axis.


Name Type Description
Root Slot The slot to align.
PositionDrive field drive of Float3 The position field of Root.


Can be used for aligning tiles, shelves, boxes, or anything that needs consistent alignment.


See Also