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Component image 
OutlinedArc component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The OutlinedArc component takes in many parameters to create a circular image or design and can be controlled using those parameters. Then this renders onto the UIX.

Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
Arc Float The amount to arc around the center.
Offset Float The amount to rotate around the center.
OuterRadiusRatio Float The outer distance for this arc from the center.
InnerRadiusRatio Float The inner distance for this arc from the center.
RoundedCornerRadius Float The amount of how rounded the edges of the arc end points are.
FillColor ColorX The inner color (filled in color) of this arc.
OutlineColor ColorX The outer color (the outline) of this arc.
OutlineThickness Float The amount to thicken for the outline.
Material Material Uses a material for the arc.


A user could make fancy effects like a loading circular throbber, or menu buttons that arc around.


Similar to how the context menu arcs around.

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