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Component image 
Projection360 Material component as seen in the Scene Inspector


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
HighPriorityIntegration Bool If true, integrating this asset (e.g. processing procedural assets) gets higher priority than assets with this flag off. An example is user laser procedural meshes.
_shader Shader
Texture ITexture2D
SecondaryTexture ITexture2D
Cubemap Cubemap
SecondaryCubemap Cubemap
CubemapLOD Nullable`1<Float>
TextureLerp Float
Projection Mode
FieldOfView Float2
AngleOffset Float2
PerspectiveFieldOfView Float2
PerspectiveAngleOffset Float2
Tint ColorX
Exposure Float
Gamma Float
TintTexture ITexture2D
TintTextureScale Float2
TintTextureOffset Float2
TintTextureMode TintMode
Tint0 ColorX
Tint1 ColorX
OutsideMode Outside
OutsideColor ColorX
TextureOffset Float2
TextureScale Float2
StereoTextureTransform Bool
RightEyeTextureOffset Float2
RightEyeTextureScale Float2
Sidedness Sidedness Render on both sides of the mesh, front, or back.
ZWrite ZWrite whether this material should respect the distance it is from the camera.
ZTest ZTest Determines whether this object should render when it is in front of or behind other objects that respect depth from the camera
BlendMode BlendMode How to blend this material's colors vs what it rendered on top of.
OffsetFactor Float how much this material should be pushed forwards or backwards on the depth buffer factor wise
OffsetUnits Float how much this material should be pushed forwards or backwards on the depth buffer unit wise
MaxIntensity Nullable`1<Float>
Rect Rect See RectClip on Materials.
RectClip Bool Toggles if the material should use Rect
ColorMask ColorMask What colors behind the material should make it through the filter.
OffsetTexture ITexture2D
OffsetMask ITexture2D
OffsetTextureOffset Float2
OffsetTextureScale Float2
OffsetMagnitude Float2
StencilComparison StencilComparison See Type:StencilComparison for an in depth explanation on what this does.
StencilOperation StencilOperation See Type:StencilOperation for an in depth explanation on what this does.
StencilID Byte The Stencil ID of this material. This is sometimes written to the frame buffer's Stencil mask, or used to determine whether this material should render for a particular pixel.
StencilWriteMask Byte does a Bitwise AND with this number for every pixel in the frame buffer this is rendering on top of when this object is drawn, after reading from the buffer.
StencilReadMask Byte is bitwise ANDed with the Stencil in the frame buffer before the test compares them.
RenderQueue Int changes at which point a material renders on the render stack


Name Value Description


Name Value Description


Name Value Description



See Also