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Record Sync Status component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The RecordSyncStatus component reports the current status of syncing items like worlds, avatars, settings, and user generated content when present in the user space world where the dash is.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
RecordQueueCount raw output of Int How many items are left in the queue of items to Sync from the user's machine to the cloud.
AssetVariantQueueCount raw output of Int How many asset variants are left to upload for the items being uploaded to the cloud.
CurrentTaskProgress raw output of Float How far along the Asset uploader is to uploading the current item.
LastError raw output of String The last error given by the cloud item uploader process.
StatusMessage raw output of String The status message for the item uploader process.
FullySyncedColor ColorX The color the UI should be if it is fully done syncing.
ErrorColor ColorX The color the UI should be if there was an error (UH OH!!! Stuck Sync!!!)
SyncingRecordsColor ColorX The color the UI should be when the item uploader task is syncing Record items.
UploadingAssetVariantsColor ColorX The color the UI should be when the item uploader is uploading Asset variants for things like textures or skyboxes.


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Used in the user dash to show syncing status at the top.

See Also